Author Topic: Help with characters?  (Read 25407 times)


  • Freeman
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Re: Help with characters?
« Reply #45: September 01, 2011, 11:08:02 AM »
Are visual magical effects acceptable? I want my character to have a curse that his right arm is perpetually covered in magical flames. They can not catch anything else on fire, nor do they burn anything but the character himself. Something visual that will allow him to use his spells, how he contains his magic.

My idea for a character is a man from the far north, a barbarian, uncivilized and crude named Davardo. When he was younger he was captured by a rival tribe and cursed. The curse exploded his right arm in eternal flames, constantly burning his arm but showing no visual harm. This curse was controlled by the tribes Shaman Leader, he could extinguish the flames when he wished, effectively making Davardo a slave to his will. Davardo was captive for many weeks until his tribe attacked the rival tribe. Amidst the attack the Shaman controlling Davardo's arm was distracted with the assault and was ruthlessly murdered by Davardo. As the Shaman fell to the ground Davardo's arm erupted in flames, staying that way to this day.

Backstory I thought sounded awesome. I plan to play a character that is not so interested in using magic, but in destroying others that do because what has happened to him. He will eventually attain spells and use them, but after coming to realize he cannot fight spellcasters without them. He has no interest in making friendships, but will use others to attain his goals.

Thinking on it, my character sounds kinda like Scar in Fullmetal Alchemist. Oh well, still plan to do it if it's alright with the GMs.