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Disease as a Game-Mechanic

Started by Lopeyschools, August 13, 2011, 03:59:38 AM

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As I said, feel free to discuss a hypothetical, but "really, really, really, really good" generally means things like "will reverse the trend of decreasing player base and make the existing players gambol and dance through the streets with joy".
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"

Stue (DC)

Quote from: Anaris on August 13, 2011, 05:19:48 PM
Disease, by its nature, will tend to make the game less fun for no real benefit.

The only potential benefit I can see in disease is using it to force people to split up their armies more or pay more for extra precautions.  But that just doesn't make up for the drawbacks involved.

i am aware that discussion is already elaborated much before, but when you are mentioning less fun, could the same apply for wounding/imprisoning/paying guildhouse costs and  some other things which never bring anything positive?

clearly, nobody would like that his characterd dies all of sudden, but if non-hero nobles are immune from battle deaths, could they be immune to decese deaths too?

just a though - random decease hits some region-two now and than, halving population, degrading economy, and putting nobles who appear to be in a region at time of occurrence in critically wounded state for few days.

this will certainly not be fun for region lords and their knights, but if limited to few regions, such events could disturb some hard-lock peaces or power balances to some small extent, that would just allow some rp, and shake things a little.

some neighbor could use situation to attack weakened stronghold, or someone would try to corrupt local government, or war balance would be randomly disturbed to some small extent etc.


Quote from: Stue (DC) on August 13, 2011, 11:08:32 PM
just a though - random decease hits some region-two now and than, halving population, degrading economy, and putting nobles who appear to be in a region at time of occurrence in critically wounded state for few days.

"What do you mean, these peasants are sick? Look at them; there face is pale, they are positively gaunt, their dress is in shamble, and their whine is unintelligible. No, good sir, no living man in this region is sick; what you need are not doctors but infantry to crush the undead."
After all it's a roleplaying game.


No disease makes lopeyschools a sad panda  :'(
Kula (Ibladesh), Lucius (Caligan Empire), Graviel (Caerwyn)