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Started by Daycryn, August 13, 2011, 02:28:01 PM

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Nobles should be able to purchase and ride horses, in general. They would decrease travel times, but only if the player has no unit (army units travel slower than a lone horseman); they could require food or grazing time, be of a variety of different breeds (mostly just description/flavor differences), etc. Horses might be purchasable by adventurers and priests too. But will cost a pretty penny, mostly beyond the reach of any adventurer. Infiltrators couldn't ride horses since they're not stealthy/blend-in-able. Horses could die if not fed properly, or in combat, and maybe nobles on horseback could gain a small leadership improvement in battle. Horses maybe could have names and descriptions (i.e. Blue, a spotted palfrey) which might be visible in battle or scout reports.

Lokenth, Warrior of Arcaea, former Adventurer
Adamir, Lord of Luria Nova

Jens Namtrah

Quote from: Daycryn on August 13, 2011, 02:28:01 PM
Nobles should be able to purchase and ride horses, in general. They would decrease travel times, but only if the player has no unit (army units travel slower than a lone horseman); they could require food or grazing time, be of a variety of different breeds (mostly just description/flavor differences), etc. Horses might be purchasable by adventurers and priests too. But will cost a pretty penny, mostly beyond the reach of any adventurer. Infiltrators couldn't ride horses since they're not stealthy/blend-in-able. Horses could die if not fed properly, or in combat, and maybe nobles on horseback could gain a small leadership improvement in battle. Horses maybe could have names and descriptions (i.e. Blue, a spotted palfrey) which might be visible in battle or scout reports.


Nobles already travel faster when they have no (large) unit -can't give you exact data.

The rest sounds like great roleplay - go for it!


I've always RPed my characters as being on horse. Walking is for peasants.

They would decrease travel times, but only if the player has no unit (army units travel slower than a lone horseman);

You already travel slower if you have a large unit.

they could require food or grazing time, be of a variety of different breeds (mostly just description/flavor differences), etc.

Meh, I'm not sure I want to spend hours grazing my horse every day. That's not extremely interesting gameplay.

Horses might be purchasable by adventurers and priests too. But will cost a pretty penny, mostly beyond the reach of any adventurer. Infiltrators couldn't ride horses since they're not stealthy/blend-in-able.

Infiltrators aren't ninjas. My infil regularly leads large units in battles. I can't check right now, but I think nothing forbids them from leading cavalry.

Horses could die if not fed properly, or in combat, and maybe nobles on horseback could gain a small leadership improvement in battle. Horses maybe could have names and descriptions (i.e. Blue, a spotted palfrey) which might be visible in battle or scout reports.

That could be nice as flavor, but it mostly duplicates the captain mechanics.

After all it's a roleplaying game.


Quote from: Daycryn on August 13, 2011, 02:28:01 PMThoughts?
No thanks. Sounds like a lot of busy work, for little to no return.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Well, you don't need to "spend hours grazing your horse," it would just be clicking a button. Much like taking care of your unit; repairs, training, resting troops, treating them to entertainment. None of those mechanics is "extremely interesting" in itself, but it all adds to the experience. And yeah, you could roleplay the horse instead of having it be a feature. You could roleplay resting your troops too... Meh. I rescind the suggestion.  ???
Lokenth, Warrior of Arcaea, former Adventurer
Adamir, Lord of Luria Nova


I'm just not that interested in horses. Well-trained metal killing machines like my unit on the other hand...


That sounds like something for when we expand BattleMaster to make it more appealing to girls.

And maybe there can be a whole horse-breeding mini-game, and you can race your horses and bet on them...

...Or, y'know, not, because, like Indirik says, it's a whole lot of work for no real gain.  99% of the time, people are already roleplaying their nobles as being on horses, even when they're with their units.  It's pretty much just standard.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


We most kill all horses. They poop on my driveway and they generally stink! Join the resistance! Down with the horses!
Ardet nec consumitur.


I dunno. I kinda like the idea of being able to...customise my noble a bit. Buy a nice horse, maybe an axe as a weapon, a suit of plate armour with a fancy helmet. I know I can RP my character as having these, but it's different actually seeing these things on my info page. Just like it's nice having "Captain Rudel" with his own place on my info sheet, rather than just RPing him.

If nothing else, it'd provide a money sink for those with too much gold.

Gustav Kuriga

Quote from: Anaris on August 13, 2011, 04:03:01 PM
That sounds like something for when we expand BattleMaster to make it more appealing to girls.

And maybe there can be a whole horse-breeding mini-game, and you can race your horses and bet on them...

...Or, y'know, not, because, like Indirik says, it's a whole lot of work for no real gain.  99% of the time, people are already roleplaying their nobles as being on horses, even when they're with their units.  It's pretty much just standard.

Could try being less of an !@#$%^&. Just saying, there are better ways to say no.


you know... it's not a question of horses or not.. but how many horses.

they usually have a few for travelling, a few for fighting, etc..


Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on August 13, 2011, 08:00:28 PM
Could try being less of an !@#$%^&. Just saying, there are better ways to say no.

Just saying, there are better ways to say 'there are better ways to say no'.



Quote from: Anaris on August 13, 2011, 04:03:01 PM
That sounds like something for when we expand BattleMaster to make it more appealing to girls.

And maybe there can be a whole horse-breeding mini-game, and you can race your horses and bet on them...

...Or, y'know, not, because, like Indirik says, it's a whole lot of work for no real gain.  99% of the time, people are already roleplaying their nobles as being on horses, even when they're with their units.  It's pretty much just standard.

Yeah, horses are so girly.  ::) Come on.

99% of the time people roleplay their nobles on horses? Really? I think that statistic is 87.5% completely made-up.

I don't know how you're defining "real gain" here. What's the real gain of having a captain with a name and everything? That captain is so girly an idea too, I mean he has a name, what's next, a barbie playhouse?  ;) If 99% of the time characters have horses, wouldn't that be a good reason to introduce them to the game, instead of a reason not to? Horses are kind of important in the Battlemaster type universe. Most of us play knights, after all. Knights have horses. It's arguably what makes nobles nobles; they can afford horses, and sitting up high on their horse they tower over the common people. But yeah. Girly.
Lokenth, Warrior of Arcaea, former Adventurer
Adamir, Lord of Luria Nova


Quote from: Anaris on August 13, 2011, 04:03:01 PM
That sounds like something for when we expand BattleMaster to make it more appealing to girls.

We are losing players, no harm in trying to attract a new audience.  ;D


mmm, private sermons :P