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History of the East Continent

Started by Dobromir, August 15, 2011, 08:33:59 PM

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I have been doing the history of the East Continent it is the one place i've following intently and carefully since I've been in Battlemaster and I decided to gather the history of it in one piece.  It is still work in progress but I am more then halfway done after about 40 hours working on it.

Maybe it will inspire someone else to do one of the other islands.  Either way I hope people will enjoy it and get a good read.   Im looking for feedback.  I will edit and make it nicer and easier to read in the future too just wish i had more time.


I really really like it. It was superfun for me to read about the parts before Avamar and the death of Coimbra (which was about the time when I started playing the first time, january 2005).
House of Kain: Silas (Swordfell), Epona (Nivemus)


Bumping the link i had above was to the great war.  There are four chapters before that.  My apologies.  Fixed the link now however.


Is this your character's account ie. an IC account of matters?


Nope just one small piece was.  The rest was based on facts.  Yes every little thing can be argued but information I put down was general consensus.

Im more then willing to changes pieces and parts but I prefer if people dont touch the basis of the work too much except maybe for spelling mistakes or help with the layout.

I have no problem editing things in and out.


Being an account by one specific player, it is, of course, biased by that player's viewpoint. There are some particulars to some of the major events that could use some explanation. (Like the Sirion/Fontan sacking of Partora, in which Perdan won the first two out of three of the battles in Partora (I think I still have the battle reports), only a handful of nobles could loot after the third battle, and the entire invading army was destroyed before it could escape.) But it is still very nice to have it all laid out like that.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


A few items I noticed, all on this page:

1. I love that this got mention:
March 1, 2006 – Begin of the OCPAU (Oligarch observer, Caligan Courier, Perdan Pride, Avamar times and Ubent) vs the Itorunt informer newspaper war. On the side not the Itorunt Informer never gave up but never had close to the views of the others.

2. This issue is much more complex:
March 6, 2006 – Old Rancangua spies begin a rebellion in Oligarch but it gets thwarted. The culprits flee and join Old Rancangua.
March 18 and 19 2006 – Successful rebellion in Old Rancangua then a successful counter rebellion in Old Rancangua.

What actually happened was that Oligarch's spy agency orchestrated a fake rebellion within Oligarch. The rebels were defeated, banned, and they fled to Old Rancagua. There, they plotted, gained 2 native supporters, and then started a rebellion when OR's army was away from the capital. Simultaneously, the other Avamarians in Oligarch marched up the Kazakh peninsula. The rebellion succeeded, and the rebels banned most loyalists. Then, there was a counter-rebellion. It barely succeeded thanks to some good luck on militia. They then banned the rebels; however, due to all the confusion, some rebels didn't get banned actually, and some loyalists did, despite the ultimate loyalist victory. Meanwhile, some people accidentally joined the wrong sides. Fights broke out in several regions in OR, the king was deposed, and Oligarchian raiders had a heyday in OR's regions. This loss of nobles, internal dissent, and military catastrophe economically paralyzed OR for some time. They did not send an army into Oligarch's lands again until the Siege of Oligarch.

The objective of these rebellions (codenamed "Operation Rubber Ducky") was to form a new Avamarian homeland, thereby relieving the overcrowding of Oligarch, and flanking Sirion (a goal later accomplished by Sultanate of Asena, to no avail, unfortunately).

My bias: I planned the whole rebel operation, orchestrated the fake rebellion, developed the covers, hand-picked the operatives, and coordinated the military on the northern front while we were operational. Operation Rubber Ducky was my baby. And it almost worked. Almost.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Oh, and I was not the mastermind behind this, but frustration over Rubber Ducky's failure was part of the impetus behind this among the Avamarian community:

Kalamar Islands rebellions and formation of Avamar Selective

Kalamar goes through various rebellions and counter rebellions. El Cid an Avamar supporter ends up leading Kalmar Islands however. Old Rancangua immediately declare war on the nation.
Avamar selective is formed in part of the island and they go to war with Old Racangua with the help of Kalmar islands also.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


As a mere infant in East Continent terms (June 09), this is frankly jaw dropping.
[Solari] it's generally understood that OG survives by some compact with the devil

Askarn - Maedros - Savra - Faed - Vanimus


Quote from: Vellos on August 16, 2011, 04:10:43 AM
A few items I noticed, all on this page:

1. I love that this got mention:
March 1, 2006 – Begin of the OCPAU (Oligarch observer, Caligan Courier, Perdan Pride, Avamar times and Ubent) vs the Itorunt informer newspaper war. On the side not the Itorunt Informer never gave up but never had close to the views of the others.

2. This issue is much more complex:
March 6, 2006 – Old Rancangua spies begin a rebellion in Oligarch but it gets thwarted. The culprits flee and join Old Rancangua.
March 18 and 19 2006 – Successful rebellion in Old Rancangua then a successful counter rebellion in Old Rancangua.

What actually happened was that Oligarch's spy agency orchestrated a fake rebellion within Oligarch. The rebels were defeated, banned, and they fled to Old Rancagua. There, they plotted, gained 2 native supporters, and then started a rebellion when OR's army was away from the capital. Simultaneously, the other Avamarians in Oligarch marched up the Kazakh peninsula. The rebellion succeeded, and the rebels banned most loyalists. Then, there was a counter-rebellion. It barely succeeded thanks to some good luck on militia. They then banned the rebels; however, due to all the confusion, some rebels didn't get banned actually, and some loyalists did, despite the ultimate loyalist victory. Meanwhile, some people accidentally joined the wrong sides. Fights broke out in several regions in OR, the king was deposed, and Oligarchian raiders had a heyday in OR's regions. This loss of nobles, internal dissent, and military catastrophe economically paralyzed OR for some time. They did not send an army into Oligarch's lands again until the Siege of Oligarch.

The objective of these rebellions (codenamed "Operation Rubber Ducky") was to form a new Avamarian homeland, thereby relieving the overcrowding of Oligarch, and flanking Sirion (a goal later accomplished by Sultanate of Asena, to no avail, unfortunately).

My bias: I planned the whole rebel operation, orchestrated the fake rebellion, developed the covers, hand-picked the operatives, and coordinated the military on the northern front while we were operational. Operation Rubber Ducky was my baby. And it almost worked. Almost.

I will use stuff like this after i finish writing the rest of it.  First i want to have something down for all across history then I will edit things players make suggestions on and ask for changes on.

So far im glad that some people are taking an interest in reading it.


I loved reading it.  The history is my favourite part of the game, and EC has the longest (and most opaque to me).
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


Very interesting indeed. I never knew Caligus went through so much to survive. Very impressive. I can see that Perdan was a big bully to begin with  ;D


Perdan a big bully? They're not the ones who murdered poor Oligarch. I was holding back tears at that point!

[Solari] it's generally understood that OG survives by some compact with the devil

Askarn - Maedros - Savra - Faed - Vanimus


Quote from: Zakilevo on August 16, 2011, 10:14:50 AMVery interesting indeed. I never knew Caligus went through so much to survive. Very impressive. I can see that Perdan was a big bully to begin with  ;D
We had to be tough to survive through all the manipulation and continental machinations by Doc and his Sirionites. You Sirionites still haven't been made to pay for your crimes!

;D ;)
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on August 16, 2011, 12:39:34 PM
We had to be tough to survive through all the manipulation and continental machinations by Doc and his Sirionites. You Sirionites still haven't been made to pay for your crimes!

;D ;)

I'm starting to wonder if Sirion is the only realm (that has existed forever) which has not gone through really tough times?
House of Kain: Silas (Swordfell), Epona (Nivemus)