Author Topic: Prelude - Making Waves  (Read 8066 times)

Forbes Family

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Re: Prelude - Making Waves
« Topic Start: August 18, 2011, 04:52:16 PM »
Word had made it's way back to the Blind Pig that there was trouble in town. And it was not the sort of trouble that they were known for causing. Some of the newer members to the organization had been arrested and there seemed to be quite a change in the attitudes of the guards. Where prior they may have looked the other way now they were being hard nosed. There was also rumor that the new Merchant Prince had arrived. Could this be the reason for the guards acting the way they were?

There was nothing strange about the trade ship but he was a bit more worrisome about the Dragon's Song. He had narrowly escaped the sect ages ago when he was but a boy by stowing away in a ship that brought him here. It was only through his talents that he was able to coerce the captain into hiring him instead of throwing him overboard when he was eventually captured. As he sat in his chair stroking his beard he thought to himself that it felt like an eternity, a past life. Since arriving he had built his organization using coercion but he had become known enough in certain circles that it was hardly necessary any more. People came to him looking for employment.

The other thing settling on his mind were the two deaths in the street. Granted there were accidents in the mine. Or the occasional tavern fight that got out of hand. However in this case it didn't seem like either. Instead it seemed that they just died and nobody knew why. Rumors were circulating that it was the plague. But not even the grave diggers would touch the bodies for fear that they would catch it themselves. And so the bodies stayed in the street rotting. This caused panick throughout his organization. The pickpockets didn't want to steal money for fear that touching someone would make them sick. The thugs would only use intimidation to extract protection money from the small shops and the whores. All except the extremely desperate had closed their legs until they could be sure that they would not die.

This was more concerning to him than the Dragon Flames. He was far stronger now than he was at the age of seven when he escaped them the first time. But everything he had worked for. Everything he had built over the last 15 years was falling apart. Something had to be done but he wouldn't be able to do much while the Flames were around.
Forbes Family