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So I was bored at work today...

Started by Keithson, August 06, 2011, 07:39:37 PM

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And started watching TED videos. Came across this one:

The topic: Charter cities. Around the 8:30 - 9 minute mark the only thing I could think about was how similar this was to Colony Takeovers. (Video is in English)



The entire idea of a "Charter City" just sounds like (Flemish) cities in the medieval period. They would literally get "charters" too, and thus attract more people and become places of wealth (which would bring education, art etc. with them).
Ardet nec consumitur.


I can't say I found that particularly inspiring, but mainly because I just kept drawing comparisons with things we already have in the UK. London has a lot of laws delegated to it and has it's own "London Assembly" which is responsible for city-wide administration. Milton Keynes was built from the ground up to be a city (only reached township). Neither of those places have ever struck me as being awesome.

The only problem I see with them is that you have to bring with you things like art/education, etc. It's all well and good saying "build it and they will come", but what if they don't? What if you just get a city with a lot of shops, but no decent school system? Or a decent transport network, but nowhere to go with it? I'm fairly certain that if the UK built another Milton Keynes and gave it its own laws you wouldn't see the financial sector running there to generate wealth for the area, they're already well established in London.

It's a grand idea, but something that could never work in practice because of how the modern world has evolved.

Can't say I thought about Colony Takeovers much though :P


I don't like his talking, so I quit.

Though in general I Like TED, and I often watch some videos when I have some dead time :)


His idea is for poor nations.

It's an idea, but it's not a magical formula. If the other standard factors aren't right, it'll fail.
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