Author Topic: Open Votes  (Read 8569 times)


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Re: Open Votes
« Reply #15: August 31, 2011, 08:27:48 AM »
I would like to see more voting options altogether. Things like Prestige voting in particular would be good. Options for different styles of Open voting would be interesting, too. More ways for realms to differentiate themselves are always good, I think.

I disagree. A system that rewards people who play BM the longest is just going to alienate new players and reward those who just do lots of battles... not necessarily anything else... how boring.

I like Chenier's idea about voting based on unit size, that would be quite cool and I also support public voting.
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Re: Open Votes
« Reply #16: August 31, 2011, 02:14:00 PM »
Quote from: Indirik
Things like Prestige voting in particular would be good.
I disagree. A system that rewards people who play BM the longest is just going to alienate new players and reward those who just do lots of battles... not necessarily anything else... how boring.
Prestige by itself does not guarantee "long term player". I have characters that are nowhere near the top of the list in prestige, simply because the characters themselves are newer. And there are plenty of short-term players who gain prestige quickly, due to being active in wars. Given how easy it is to gain prestige into the mid 20's, and how hard it is to get much past the low 40's, prestige is actually one of the few things in the game where older families don't have much, if any, advantage over new families. (Assuming that you discount the really old characters who gained craptons of prestige under the old prestige rules.) And prestige voting would also make unique items much more valuable. A few mid-prestige characters who make a concerted effort to gain several unique items to influence an election could easily outvote and oust some of those old farts. Overall, I think prestige voting would contribute to removing the entrenched old timer phenomenon.

And what's wrong with characters who are in lots of battles? Isn't that what this game is about? Isn't the lack of battles one of the things that quite a few forum users are lamenting as the cause of the player-base decline? I say we should be *rewarding* players who's characters engage in lots of battles. And if that means giving them more voting power, so they get into power, and reward us with more battles, then so be it. Down with the pacifists!  >:(

I like Chenier's idea about voting based on unit size, that would be quite cool ...
Yeah, because a "100-man infantry unit" just screams "new player" a lot louder than "old family with rich duke", right?
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Re: Open Votes
« Reply #17: September 06, 2011, 04:02:13 AM »
Yeah, because a "100-man infantry unit" just screams "new player" a lot louder than "old family with rich duke", right?


Gotta agree that prestige voting is more newbie friendly, not to mention that we used to have it.

Mind you, not all government systems need to favor newbies, else we'd have nothing but equal voting all around. Voting for lords only, for example, is quite elitist. Especially if it's representative, since those dukes usually have the most knights as well and therefore get the most votes.

But diversity is the spice of life.
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Re: Open Votes
« Reply #18: September 06, 2011, 03:16:37 PM »
Perhaps a system that grants more votes to the characters that have been a part of the realm longest. Could prove interesting.


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Re: Open Votes
« Reply #19: September 06, 2011, 05:42:14 PM »
Perhaps a system that grants more votes to the characters that have been a part of the realm longest. Could prove interesting.

In the old chinese curse sense of the word?
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Re: Open Votes
« Reply #20: September 06, 2011, 06:05:21 PM »
In the old chinese curse sense of the word?

Most systems are elitist in a way or another, so while I dislike the idea of actually using such a system, I wouldn't go making a big deal out of it either. After all, any election is still better than an appointment. And the most elitist form of voting you could ever imagine is already available: ducal-based voting.

Seriously, if the realm has but a single or few dukes, and they are elected by the ruler, what are the odds of someone else getting elected to that position? Not to mention that in some realms you can be ruler and duke at the same time.

Vote per time in realm, while I personally dislike it, would be newbie-friendly compared to that, and that's already available. I think you overestimate how bad it is.
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Re: Open Votes
« Reply #21: September 06, 2011, 07:07:09 PM »
I am also not a fan of the system, but I think it could be fun. A way for greedy realm founders to keep power.


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Re: Open Votes
« Reply #22: September 06, 2011, 09:04:28 PM »
I am also not a fan of the system, but I think it could be fun. A way for greedy realm founders to keep power.

An obvious way for it, while being less effective than current options. I'm all for diversity, so I don't see why not. Sounds like nepotism to me.
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