Author Topic: Join new realm - Terran, Asylon, Barca or D'Hara?  (Read 32490 times)


  • Noble Lord
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I will give you all the options you have in Dwilight

The area hasn't had war for a very very long time.
I hear from Several people that Terran is a diverse and interesting realm with good players, but it will take another irl year/half year for them to get involved in war. They get rogue attacks but not so much as your other options.

This is a terrible description of Terran.

Firstly we get just as many rogue attacks as Barca because we are always in Barca helping them with their rogue attacks. We usually match however many CS the Barcans have in the area roughly. Also we just expanded in the North so we have another front there to fight rogues on. And, of the three, D'hara is clearly the realm with the least rogues to deal with...

Secondly, why would it take us another year to get involved in a war? We've deployed our foreign army twice in the recent past, once against Madina and once against Luria Nova. Its just that the situation changed before we arrived and so we never got to engage the enemy. Still though, Terran deploys their foreign forces at the drop of a hat if the opportunity comes up. Also, we're the largest military outside of the SA giants, Morek, Astrum and Corsanctum.

If you want my honest recommendation I would say join Barca. They're expanding, they have a great culture and are very friendly, their military is small but organized and they have an interesting future ahead of them. However, you won't be making that much cash and it'll take a while before foreign intrigue starts playing a role in the realm.

Terran would be my second recommendation if you're not into the whole young frontier realm thing. We need more nobles and big things are gonna be happening around our area and you can bet Terran will be heavily involved in it, whereas Barca needs to just focus on themselves for a bit.
Fyodor, Terran.   Vitaly, Enweil.