Author Topic: Join new realm - Terran, Asylon, Barca or D'Hara?  (Read 31685 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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If you want war join an SA realm. We have a knack for attracting hostilities. The only problem seems to be that we defeat our enemies far too quickly. Seriously, we should send like 5,000g to Caerwyn and leave them alone for a month...

In all my years of Battlemaster, I have fought the lamest war while being part of Corsanctum (I still am there), in name of SA. While I don't mind a gangbang at all, I do mind 3 days of travelling one way only to arrive in a completely starved city and have no resistance. Sure, we had one or two big battles that were... well, not challenging, but fun to be part of. Now that Caerwyn is gone I truly hope SA will just turn on itself and complete madness will ensue, so we can finally fight a war on a battlefield that is either in our realm or not more than a day away from our border...

But I guess the problem of Dwilight is that it's too spread out to find a nearby war that can entertain you. So back to hunting monsters it is!
« Last Edit: August 23, 2011, 01:25:32 PM by Fleugs »
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