Author Topic: Giblot: Dead or Alive?  (Read 38655 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Giblot: Dead or Alive?
« Reply #15: September 07, 2011, 03:11:39 PM »
that was excellent opportunity to conduct and maintain internal political tension, but instaed you went to some ooc fighting, with no any reason to go ooc at all, and everything sank into apathy, which is always consequence of ooc escapades that smash in-game tension.

Because I was just annoyed at him. The way I saw it there was no internal tension at all, Allyah was just being blatantly ignored & shouted down. I would have been fine if it was "I'm shouting you down for the sake of gameplay", I had that plenty of times in Lasanar and it was always fun to come fighting back. But this was just "sit down and shut up", which was completely un-fun. I tried pointing it out to him OOC, but by that time I was so pissed off with him and his characters I just wanted to leave Giblot so my ranting came out as exactly that: a rant. If I'd had any public IC support from anyone then it'd probably have softened my anger a little, but I had 2 (I think) people tell me in character that she was the rightful Marshal (both of whom wouldn't speak up publicly because they didn't want a fine) and then 2 (again, I think) other people tell me OOC that they were annoyed too, but didn't want to do anything about it IC (I forget their reasons).

Besides, the apathy was there way before my rant. I'll admit, it probably didn't help things. But Giblot was dead anyway, I probably only hurried along the eventual apathetic destruction.


and use lots of exclamation points and BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS

Oh god, yes, I forgot about that. I tried pointing that out to him in character that he sounded childish. Worked for a while and a lot of people called him a child, but when he didn't change people gave up trying to reason with him.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2011, 03:13:20 PM by Nathan »