Author Topic: Giblot: Dead or Alive?  (Read 38651 times)


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Re: Giblot: Dead or Alive?
« Reply #30: October 19, 2011, 08:46:34 PM »
Yes, so it is goodbye Minas Thalion eh with Lukon participation? Oritolon is not really strong with so many cities, it is less nobles which is causing a terrible headache. I can't be complaining either, aren't we all realms having same problem? Colonies is having serious lack of nobles, many estates started to falling apart.

Giblot would not die no matter how incompetence their leaders are or what strategy they used. With Lukon and Oritolon attention diverted to Oritolon war with Minas Thalion, Giblot should use this well-deserved time break to rebuild fast. Get your house in order, I always see the north Giblot region, forget what its name, that region gone rogue many times.

@Jeckyl, perhaps you can help in the Giblot survival.

We've recaptured 2 regions already. The new estate code is going to help Giblot and Oriolton a lot, I think.