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Giblot: Dead or Alive?

Started by Revan, August 31, 2011, 03:33:01 PM

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Quote from: Jeckyl on September 15, 2011, 02:24:55 PM
Isn't Alebad back, in the sense it is now a capital city of a realm, formed without the destruction of another?

Well, Oriolton just declared war on them, so we'll see about that.

I initially thought it was mostly a strategic secession, either for tax reasons, or because it make Lukon nervous for Oriolton to have that many cities. But it appears that the people of MI are a little to...independent of their previous masters.


It seems the Giblet General is doing his best to ensure that the fighting doesn't end until Giblot is no more... Though it is confusing as to why their General is the one trying to negotiate any peace in the first place, and has successfully made matters worse if anything.

(I'm only saying this in the forums now as there has been a bit of a public (IC) 'discussion' between the Giblets and Outer Tilog today :)  )
WARNING: Outer Tilog is different...


Quote from: James on September 20, 2011, 01:53:23 PM
It seems the Giblet General is doing his best to ensure that the fighting doesn't end until Giblot is no more... Though it is confusing as to why their General is the one trying to negotiate any peace in the first place, and has successfully made matters worse if anything.

(I'm only saying this in the forums now as there has been a bit of a public (IC) 'discussion' between the Giblets and Outer Tilog today :)  )

Yes, I've thought about pointing out to him that attacking people, and negotiating with them at the same time, is probably not going to work. But then Gellin doesn't like Lucius and considers him to be an arrogant prick, so Gellin simply doesn't talk to him more than absolutely necessary. And, Lucius isn't leaving the negotiations to the Ambassadors, so I think that goes both ways.


Quote from: egamma on September 20, 2011, 02:43:36 PM
...I've thought about pointing out to him that attacking people, and negotiating with them at the same time, is probably not going to work...

I have pointed it out to him, on numerous occasions (including just a few minutes ago :) ), but he seems to take no notice. Which is a bit of a problem really as it's me he's trying to negotiate with... ::)
WARNING: Outer Tilog is different...

I don't get what you lot are doing in Giblot, I really don't. Strategically, your General could have took Drenga from the Assassins by himself because we didn't have anything that could've uprooted him within a weeks ride of the region, but paradoxically he gave up on the TO before it had a chance to complete. Things started to slide downhill for you when OT and the Assassins started to take regions on your side of the river, but even then you should have been able to push us out, given the travel times between the Assassin's and OT's core regions and those holdings. Hell, had you taken a more aggressive stance and went after either of us timed between Lukon's visits we might have had to discuss terms. Lukon is slow to move (due to all the old geezers in the ranks ;)), the Assassins and OT are fairly weak individually, Oritolon is distant, MT is of little help, Giblot could've easily taken hold of the north and kept it. Same problem I saw with Alebad when Aramon was a member, everyone went into defensive mode once they saw a few beatings in the field and defense alone just doesn't work, you'll just cut you off from supplies and the attackers will starve you into submission.

As far as Generals being diplomatic, hey, it worked for Vladamire (in fact he at one time held both the posts of Minister of Offense and Ambassador of Outer Tilog at the same time for a long while before Aramon became Shadow Tyrant :p).


Quote from: on September 27, 2011, 06:54:37 PM
I don't get what you lot are doing in Giblot, I really don't. Strategically, your General could have took Drenga from the Assassins by himself because we didn't have anything that could've uprooted him within a weeks ride of the region, but paradoxically he gave up on the TO before it had a chance to complete. Things started to slide downhill for you when OT and the Assassins started to take regions on your side of the river, but even then you should have been able to push us out, given the travel times between the Assassin's and OT's core regions and those holdings. Hell, had you taken a more aggressive stance and went after either of us timed between Lukon's visits we might have had to discuss terms. Lukon is slow to move (due to all the old geezers in the ranks ;)), the Assassins and OT are fairly weak individually, Oritolon is distant, MT is of little help, Giblot could've easily taken hold of the north and kept it. Same problem I saw with Alebad when Aramon was a member, everyone went into defensive mode once they saw a few beatings in the field and defense alone just doesn't work, you'll just cut you off from supplies and the attackers will starve you into submission.

As far as Generals being diplomatic, hey, it worked for Vladamire (in fact he at one time held both the posts of Minister of Offense and Ambassador of Outer Tilog at the same time for a long while before Aramon became Shadow Tyrant :p).

The problem will soon be rectified. Permanently.


Quote from: egamma on September 27, 2011, 07:04:34 PM
The problem will soon be rectified. Permanently.

Yeah, Giblot is to finally die out!

Or do you mean you're just going to get rid of the General and appoint someone not afraid to fight back?

It would certainly be a shame to see Giblot go, we need someone to fight Lukon and everyone else is too scared to >.<


Quote from: Nathan on September 27, 2011, 07:08:18 PM
Yeah, Giblot is to finally die out!

Or do you mean you're just going to get rid of the General and appoint someone not afraid to fight back?

It would certainly be a shame to see Giblot go, we need someone to fight Lukon and everyone else is too scared to >.<

I'll be elected General in a week or so, with two people I trust as marshal and vice. No more one-man military command.


Quote from: egamma on September 27, 2011, 07:27:50 PM
I'll be elected General in a week or so, with two people I trust as marshal and vice. No more one-man military command.

Glad to hear! Hopefully you can come back from the brink now.

I'm sure if you say nice things to Allyah, she'll give you some advice about beating Lukon (presuming she's still on your contacts list after this long) :P


Quote from: Nathan on September 27, 2011, 08:04:20 PM
Glad to hear! Hopefully you can come back from the brink now.

I'm sure if you say nice things to Allyah, she'll give you some advice about beating Lukon (presuming she's still on your contacts list after this long) :P

I don't think people ever drop off the contacts list.


Quote from: egamma on September 16, 2011, 06:22:42 AM
Well, Oriolton just declared war on them, so we'll see about that.

I initially thought it was mostly a strategic secession, either for tax reasons, or because it make Lukon nervous for Oriolton to have that many cities. But it appears that the people of MI are a little to...independent of their previous masters.
Yes, so it is goodbye Minas Thalion eh with Lukon participation? Oritolon is not really strong with so many cities, it is less nobles which is causing a terrible headache. I can't be complaining either, aren't we all realms having same problem? Colonies is having serious lack of nobles, many estates started to falling apart.

Giblot would not die no matter how incompetence their leaders are or what strategy they used. With Lukon and Oritolon attention diverted to Oritolon war with Minas Thalion, Giblot should use this well-deserved time break to rebuild fast. Get your house in order, I always see the north Giblot region, forget what its name, that region gone rogue many times.

@Jeckyl, perhaps you can help in the Giblot survival.
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


Quote from: Ketchum on October 19, 2011, 09:01:19 AM
Yes, so it is goodbye Minas Thalion eh with Lukon participation? Oritolon is not really strong with so many cities, it is less nobles which is causing a terrible headache. I can't be complaining either, aren't we all realms having same problem? Colonies is having serious lack of nobles, many estates started to falling apart.

Giblot would not die no matter how incompetence their leaders are or what strategy they used. With Lukon and Oritolon attention diverted to Oritolon war with Minas Thalion, Giblot should use this well-deserved time break to rebuild fast. Get your house in order, I always see the north Giblot region, forget what its name, that region gone rogue many times.

@Jeckyl, perhaps you can help in the Giblot survival.

We've recaptured 2 regions already. The new estate code is going to help Giblot and Oriolton a lot, I think.


Quote from: egamma on October 19, 2011, 08:46:34 PM
We've recaptured 2 regions already. The new estate code is going to help Giblot and Oriolton a lot, I think.
Yeah, I am hoping the new estate code will help all realms, especially realms having problem maintaining their regions with lack of nobles  ::) Glad to see you recaptured 2 regions already. Perhaps a strong headed Giblot General who dare to come out from the city to launch attack on other realm city, will be a much welcome addition. By the way, no offense intended. Giblot should really work on the Diplomacy side and Treaties part. Seeing all other realms dare not mess with Lukon-Oritolon alliance and Giblot has the will to stand against them. I am considering Lukon Judge, Blackbeard words that they Lukon are waiting for enemy to come to Portion city gate but so far, not a single soldier show up. With new alliance sealed, Giblot may yet see the light of the day.
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


Ha!  Lukon will kill you all...fools... muwahaahaaaa

um by kill i mean invite you to a nice little party with ale and crackers...oh and cheese...

and by cheese I mean KILL YOU ALL!


It is not only the Colonies who is having trouble with not enough Nobles, I know the same problem has been in Dwilight for some time. 

Think of the slaughters we all could have if we had the men to take over other Realms...  The RPing options wasted because not enough players , it is sad.
Beldragos Family:  Baal Zephon (Madina), Morganna - Adv (Madina), Atrox - Adv (Assassins), Galvenor (Retired), Mephista (Lukon), Luci (Sirion)