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Change to Mentor position

Started by Igelfeld, March 06, 2011, 05:58:13 PM

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In discussion about new player retention the problems with mentors seem to be a central problem that has been identified. This problem seems to stem from the fact that most of the players who would be good mentors would rather have a different subclass. One solution that has some merit is changing the position of mentor to an appointed position selected by the ruler and not limited to a subclass.

Essentially, this would allow anyone that the ruler recognizes as a good player to be a mentor regardless of class. having the ruler appoint the position would limit the number of mentors, so that the new players are not swarmed by everyone looking to gain a few extra mentor points, and it would make the appointed individuals responsible for new player retention.

What do you guys think about this?
Moritz Von Igelfeld - King of Asylon
Moria Von Igelfeld - Viscountess of Lanston
Ulrich Von Igelfeld - Knight of Remton, Dark Isle Colonist


I hadn't seen anything that said that Mentoring was the problem. I think the problem is that people join, click a few buttons, don't see anything happen, and sign out.

Also, our mentoring system is character based, when it's really a player to player issue, yes?

That said, here's how I would improve the mentoring system:

Mentoring is divided into seven categories:

    * Recruitment and maintenance of units
    * Basic combat tactics and unit settings
    * Realm hierarchy, allegiance and oath
    * The military chain of command - armies, marshals, and the general
    * The inalienable rights
    * "Out-of-Character" - separation between each character, separation between characters and players

Players who have played for less than 1 year would have a link on their family page saying "ask a question" or something similar.  On that page, they could read an FAQ--consisting of the most commonly asked questions, of course--as well as a list of answers. The same question could have multiple answers--preferably a short answer, a longer answer, and a link to the relevant wiki pages. Also, the new player would choose a category from the above list and ask their question.

I would present each player (not character) who has played for over 1 year have a section on the family options page called mentoring. They would be able to check a checkbox for each category that they are interested in answering mentoring questions for. When a new player asks a question using the above system, that question would be answerable through the mentoring page. Only questions that they want to answer (using the checkbox system) are answered.

Another alternative would be to have a big "ask a question" button, that sends the player to the forums. This could be used by all players.

How about something that would make mentors a useful class (their utility is debatable on other continents anyway but at least they have students there) on BT? Since only adventurers can be made directly on the continent, and no new players can start off there (I think?), this means that mentors on BT are pointless subclasses. I would figure that even if mechanically there is nothing they would teach if someone has already spent at least 14 days on another continent learning the ropes, there is still a lot of different stuff about the Invasions. But I guess that might be a bit too much work to figure out how to do this for one continent.


I doubt that someone who just learned the ropes on one continent in 14 days would emigrate to another...  I bet most who immigrate already know most, if not all, the basic mechanics.
The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.

Quite likely, and I noted that. But that still means we have one completely pointless subclass on a continent. It's no big deal I guess, but it would be nice to make use of what we have. Then again, in general it seems like mentors aren't getting much in terms of mechanics. The last time I tried teaching, my students said nothing. They pretty much just left.


I believe that the Mentor class should be removed, and that there should be another way to "teach" new nobles the ropes.  There are simply too many bad mentors who not only do not help, but decrease players' interest.

I know *two* good mentors out of all the ones I've seen, and I've been to quite a few realms (hehe, I like realm hopping until I find one that actually engages its nobles).  By good I mean they do not just OOC copy/paste stuff and they actually answer your questions and, you know.... talk to you.

Good mentors are rare, but they do exist, and I think we should use the resources and time those players provide in a better way than we are currently, but I haven't thought of any excelling ideas on how to do so.
The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.

But then that means I'll always have one fame point I'll never attain!  :(

The mentor points fame, not the book fame. I got that one already.  :)


Quote from: Artemesia on March 09, 2011, 03:58:48 PM
... in general it seems like mentors aren't getting much in terms of mechanics. The last time I tried teaching, my students said nothing. They pretty much just left.

A change would be good.  Being a good mentor takes time and effort, which is largely ignored.   More importantly, mentors have a unique power over young players and can shape the future of a realm -- and the growth of the game. 

Ruler-appointed mentors would be a step forward in securing strong people as mentors.  The appointed mentors would then present a clear and congruous idea of how to play within that realm.  They would be more likely to be a good surrogate between new players and leadership.   For their efforts, mentors would have a real position in the realm, rather than being a  thankless scribe.

Along with appointing mentors, the game mechanics allow little in the way of lesson organization.  Students seem to get lost in the forums. A color for mentor messages would help.   On the mentor side, a workable chart allowing the mentor to track student lessons (like a checklist) would be good.   


I doubt ruler-appointed mentors would be that much different than what we already have. You'd just have the same people applying to the ruler to be appointed.

What I think would make a big difference would be divorcing Mentorship from the class system, allowing anyone to opt to be a mentor. I would probably have at least one of my characters be a mentor, except she already has the hero subclass.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on March 09, 2011, 06:52:33 PM
What I think would make a big difference would be divorcing Mentorship from the class system....

Exactly,  mentorship should be divorced from the class system. As rulers would choose one or more mentors, ruler-appointed mentorship must be divorced from the class system.  Otherwise, ruler appointments could violate a player's inalienable right.  Ruler appointment would also follow the medieval focus of the game.  Should anyone of that time get to opt into such a key position?   

I simply want some assurance of quality.  Ruler appointment might accomplish this. However it is accomplished, allowing advanced players such as Indirik to be mentors would assure strong new players.

While this is a pretty good idea, I'm not so keen on being unable to gain that fame point for having a certain amount of mentor points. And yes, it is important to me even if I am not currently actively seeking to attain fame points. Getting all the fame points in the game is an ultimate goal for me, and I don't think there's anything wrong with it.


Why would making it /not/ a class get rid of mentor points?
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.

It would involve a change of how we assign mentor points, and who can be awarded them. If there is no class, and no other distinguishing feature that would make a character rightfully gain mentor points, then there is nothing stopping just about anyone from getting them. But then what is the point of those mentor points if not to reward those who put in the effort? Of course some rare students are jerks/don't care enough and give low marks for no good reason anyway.


If the students are being honest in their exit tests, then mentors that don't do anything won't gain mentor points.

I'm not saying we get rid of Mentors, just get rid of requiring it to be a subclass. Put an option in the Actions page that lets you declare yourself a Mentor. I do think, though, that this requires some way for the game to evaluate the performance of Mentors. Get too many bad reviews, and get booted from the Mentor program for X months.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


here is a simple fact, All rulers have a vested interest in retaining new players as it increases their power.

Since people with a vested interest are likely to take care in protecting that interest, Why don't we give the appointment of realm mentors to rulers?

The problem with letting just anyone opt into being a mentor is that every one who plays this game for power would do so, not really caring if they are a good mentor but just for the mentor points.

So here is my proposal, remove mentor form the subclasses, make it a position any class can hold, and allow the ruler to appoint x number of mentors. I honestly cannot see how this could be a bad thing for the game or player retention.
Moritz Von Igelfeld - King of Asylon
Moria Von Igelfeld - Viscountess of Lanston
Ulrich Von Igelfeld - Knight of Remton, Dark Isle Colonist