Author Topic: Change to Mentor position  (Read 31492 times)


  • Freeman
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Re: Change to Mentor position
« Reply #45: March 14, 2011, 12:36:32 AM »
Are we in agreement to brainstorm changes needed to the mentor aspect of the game?  Once all of the ideas are gathered, perhaps a master plan should be created. 

Please look at Indirik's summary list and add/change anything you wish.

Having someone right in your realm, that is easily accessible in-game, who is dedicated to helping *you*, is a very good idea.

  • Remove the Mentor subclass.
  • Make mentoring an option selectable by any character in the realm that has been playing the game for more than 6 months. (Too long? Maybe 3 months? Anyway, more than 30 days.)
  • Allow rulers to appoint official mentors for the realm.
  • Create a Newbie Corner (probably with a different name...) on the forum dedicated to basic game play questions, geared specifically at new players. All new players should get an IG message to go there and ask questions.
  • Mentors who receive too many bad reviews from the students should be removed from the Mentor program.
  • Some way to encourage more mentor/student communications. Maybe put the Mentor/Student channel options at the top of the Messages screen, possibly highlighted in a separate colored box, with some explanatory text directing the to ask questions of their mentors? Also, put a link to the forum Newbie Corner there, too.

I agree with Indirik's list and am adding:

  • updating wiki using a team of  realm-appointed mentors (since the group is keen on this idea :))
  • use a private forum for the mentor group to collaborate final product.
  • ingame sortable chart to track student progress and timing of lessons.

If wiki is used,  the format should follow the topics of the mentor lessons so that mentors can 'assign' wiki reading sections.  This would also be a sweet way to set up the threads in the forum.   I would love to get more people using the forums.  What better way than encouraging our mentors and students ?