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Idea for an in game reason why there are no navies in Battlemaster

Started by pcw27, March 09, 2012, 07:25:51 AM

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Quote from: Chénier on April 06, 2012, 11:47:30 PM
If you are in a normal realm, sure, knowing there is food is enough.

If you are in a realm that has a serious deficit due to having a ton of cities and barely any food producing regions, on a continent that has seasons, then no. Because the continental markets don't offer a steady sum all year round.

Making sure we had enough stocked to survive the winter, without buying too much and having it rot for nothing, was always a major challenge.

Not to mention that the population and food consumption changes totally screwed all of my planification tables, which I'll have to redo. Warehouses being treated like any other building changes a few things as well (one or two warehouses fell apart, but they are otherwise much cheaper).

With Allison being herself, I've not had the time to dedicate to redoing all of the calculations, nor the will to massively invest in warehouses.

You could speak to the realms' banker about all that. I know how many days' supply of food we have, and I have ideas about how many warehouses we need and where they go, etc.

All you, as lord of a food-deficit region, need to know is how much food you have, and is there enough food for sale on the markets within 400 miles of you to supply your needs. I think you should build enough granaries to store 30-60 days of food. Beyond that, don't worry about it.


Quote from: egamma on April 07, 2012, 03:58:53 AM
You could speak to the realms' banker about all that. I know how many days' supply of food we have, and I have ideas about how many warehouses we need and where they go, etc.

All you, as lord of a food-deficit region, need to know is how much food you have, and is there enough food for sale on the markets within 400 miles of you to supply your needs. I think you should build enough granaries to store 30-60 days of food. Beyond that, don't worry about it.

Relying on others to get the job done has had disastrous results in the past. I'm not a fan of leaving critical operations entirely to third parties.

With 6 granaries, I can survive for about 46 days...

So, is it me or do I know less than before about my duchy? I used to know the consumption and production rates of all regions in my duchy. Only the banker knows this now?

Personally, I'd rather have enough granaries to last 84 days. :P Damn Allison can't mind her own business...
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Quote from: Chénier on April 07, 2012, 04:10:22 AM
Relying on others to get the job done has had disastrous results in the past. I'm not a fan of leaving critical operations entirely to third parties.

With 6 granaries, I can survive for about 46 days...

So, is it me or do I know less than before about my duchy? I used to know the consumption and production rates of all regions in my duchy. Only the banker knows this now?

Personally, I'd rather have enough granaries to last 84 days. :P Damn Allison can't mind her own business...

And the weekly reports I send out on the status of our food don't make you feel any better? You've got a trust problem.

The less informational is probably intentional. You should get a daily report if the region are out of food, otherwise you don't need to bother with it.


Quote from: egamma on April 07, 2012, 04:35:50 AM
And the weekly reports I send out on the status of our food don't make you feel any better? You've got a trust problem.

The less informational is probably intentional. You should get a daily report if the region are out of food, otherwise you don't need to bother with it.

No, it doesn't. On another continent, sure, but not on one with seasons. A surplus one season is easy to turn into a horrible deficit the next. Without knowledge of what each region produces and consumes individually, per day and per season, I'm not comfortable.

What I need is to update my excel spreadsheet. I want to have access to this information, and this at any time of any day, without having to go write to someone and wait for a reply.

It's not that I don't trust you specifically, it's that I've seen many people do a bad job or cause harm either because they couldn't be bothered, because they forgot, because they didn't know how, because something serious happened to their character, because they got angry/rebellious,  because they outright became inactive and left the game, or simply because they got replaced by someone else who ends up fitting one of these via elections.

I don't really care about food with any of my other characters. But I always care about vital information/activities, and make sure to at least stay in the loop. In D'Hara, since all of those food/trade/pop changes, I don't feel like I'm in the loop, because all I have is superficial data that allow no serious planning or analysis. A mere "there is enough food for X days" is not satisfactory to me.

I trust you personally to do something if it our food situation deteriorates, but that's not the point. The point is that I want to be able to plan ahead and make decisions based on our long-term food situation. The ignore it would be the same as a ruler of a militaristic realm never paying attention to the realm's infrastructure or total CS. Sure, there's a general who can do that, but how's the ruler gonna make his long-term decisions (alliances, wars, defense pacts) if he doesn't have an idea of what the situation of his realm's military capacity will be in a month or two? In five?

Since food is intimately tied to D'Hara's diplomacy, it should come as no surprise that the one in charge of diplomacy would like to know more than simply how long the current reserves will last.
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Again, instead of complaining on the forums, ask my character IC for the information you need want.


Quote from: Indirik on April 06, 2012, 11:34:57 PM
The Command tab directly shows you how many days of food you have in your warehouse. You can look at it any time you want.
oh yeah, i know that.

the only reason for sticking it in the daily report is make life a bit easier for those who don't regularly look things up.

perhaps a warning threshold somewhere in settings? - mention the number of days left if it's below X days of food left in granary

chances are it won't make much difference as they'll miss it anyway

and chenier, there's no challenge. there's food around.. because i put up 3k bushels myself which no one has bought. if people don't buy unless it's dirt cheap and if they run out of food, then tough. there's no such thing as overbuying, all you need to do is keep building more granaries. the problem is not about a lack of food around the place.

you could argue about the cost of granaries... if you think it's too expensive. or you can sell the excess food to zuma or whoever, if they are buying.


this discussion has left the original topic, thus I'll close it now.