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New Estate System

Started by Tom, September 08, 2011, 07:31:41 PM

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Quote from: fodder on September 27, 2011, 07:04:44 PM
when's the last time you saw a duke talk to another duke about food. or for that matter a duke talking to a lord about food aside from "send me everything, for free"?

Come to Madina :D   The Duke's have to negotiate with their Lords on Prices even, never mind convince them to sell to the Duchy.


Quote from: fodder on September 27, 2011, 07:04:44 PM
when's the last time you saw a duke talk to another duke about food. or for that matter a duke talking to a lord about food aside from "send me everything, for free"?

(Don't you play Ivan, in D'Hara?) Every lord in D'Hara buys and/or sells food, and talks about it weekly, if not daily. We don't use ox carts, we use caravans, because they are safer. And we all want to be paid for our food.


... is that the exception or the norm though?

Stue (DC)

it looks as if "check taxes" option vanished in new estate system, so we cannot see when taxes are coming.


Quote from: Stue (DC) on September 27, 2011, 09:01:29 PM
it looks as if "check taxes" option vanished in new estate system, so we cannot see when taxes are coming.

I noticed that. Presumably because the estimates have become worthless now, as they are listed elsewhere. Maybe the Govern Estates page could say when the next tax day is, though?


Quote from: fodder on September 27, 2011, 08:18:01 PM
... is that the exception or the norm though?

Seems to be the Norm in  Dwilight - probaby because food producing regions have MUCH lower gold production than on other maps, so its important for Lords to get that income.

But you are right, most other places it's "give me your food".   But you can't do that here, Madina has regions that make less than 150gp and need three knights. . .they need that food income and the Lords know it.


Quote from: Phellan on September 27, 2011, 10:14:11 PM
Seems to be the Norm in  Dwilight - probaby because food producing regions have MUCH lower gold production than on other maps, so its important for Lords to get that income.

But you are right, most other places it's "give me your food".   But you can't do that here, Madina has regions that make less than 150gp and need three knights. . .they need that food income and the Lords know it.

Seasons definitely make a difference, too.


Or dukes rather share their wealth with those that require it. As regions with low gold value often have low food value as well. So even buying food won't solve it. Situation change now though, so curious how things will develop.


Quote from: vonGenf on September 27, 2011, 06:29:44 PM
So if you are a Duke without region and your ruler refuses to dissolve your Duchy, you cannot have an estate or a Lordship, ever? That's interesting. I had not caught that from the discussion.

nonsense. You can, of course step down.


Quote from: Phellan on September 27, 2011, 10:14:11 PMSeems to be the Norm in  Dwilight - probaby because food producing regions have MUCH lower gold production than on other maps, so its important for Lords to get that income.
I think that most of the time in Astrum, food is passed around for free. By default Libidizedd is always buying for 20/100, so anyone that sends me food by caravan gets paid for it. (Higher prices posted for foreign sellers, as needed.) But mostly, we just move it all around whenever it needs to go.

Personally, that's one of the things I really like about Astrum. We are mostly united as a realm-based team, rather than a bunch of people standing asking "What's in it for me?" Gold, food, etc. is all (usually) directed where it needs to go, and not based on how much profit can be gotten out of it. Part of that is, of course, the unifying effect of the common faith, and the shared goals it provides. But even beyond that, most of us just aren't into the whole "me me me me me!" thing.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


That is precisely why Astrum is doing great.  ;)


Quote from: Zakilevo on September 28, 2011, 04:43:05 AM
That is precisely why Astrum is doing great.  ;)

Yes and Tom doesn't want great. He wants intrigue, conspiracy, murder. Some more memememe ;)
House of Kain: Silas (Swordfell), Epona (Nivemus)


No wonder he named this game battlemaster.


Quote from: Indirik on September 28, 2011, 03:01:59 AM
I think that most of the time in Astrum, food is passed around for free. By default Libidizedd is always buying for 20/100, so anyone that sends me food by caravan gets paid for it. (Higher prices posted for foreign sellers, as needed.) But mostly, we just move it all around whenever it needs to go.

Personally, that's one of the things I really like about Astrum. We are mostly united as a realm-based team, rather than a bunch of people standing asking "What's in it for me?" Gold, food, etc. is all (usually) directed where it needs to go, and not based on how much profit can be gotten out of it. Part of that is, of course, the unifying effect of the common faith, and the shared goals it provides. But even beyond that, most of us just aren't into the whole "me me me me me!" thing.

In D'Hara, I promoted the purchase of food at good prices since quite a while, maybe even since before I was duke of Paisly, back when I was Marquis of Paisland, but I'm not too sure.

Rergardless, it was never about conflict in our case. When I became duke, I voluntarily hiked my buy prices all by myself, both to be more fair to the rural lords whom I needed, and especially to attract foreign traders and exporters. Since one can't offer different prices for different people, these two went hand in hand.

It probably makes me the poorest duke in the world, but it has kept my city fed in almost all of the winters and built good relations with my vassals. After all, a starving city would be no richer anyways. Wouldn't want to end up like Port Nebel!
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Quote from: Indirik on September 28, 2011, 03:01:59 AM
Personally, that's one of the things I really like about Astrum. We are mostly united as a realm-based team, rather than a bunch of people standing asking "What's in it for me?" Gold, food, etc. is all (usually) directed where it needs to go, and not based on how much profit can be gotten out of it. Part of that is, of course, the unifying effect of the common faith, and the shared goals it provides. But even beyond that, most of us just aren't into the whole "me me me me me!" thing.

1 region produce lots of gold and little food, the other region produce lots of food and little gold. the fair thing to do with be to pay decent gold for food. that's not really about profit. but what happens quite frequently is that the cities don't want to pay for food and then call the food producers greedy when asked to pay a decent sum, thus gets to keep all those shiny gold and get to play generous man going around shouting "i've got gold to hand out, who needs it". whereas if they just pay a decent price, no one will need to ask for gold in the 1st place really.