Author Topic: What did we lose? What did we gain? 4th Inv aftermath  (Read 61056 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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So Tom takes pride in bringing us hours of fun by creating an awesome invasion that was in my opinion very enjoyable and one of the best there has been if not the best. I don't see anything arrogant or wrong about that.
Personally, I've actively played in all invasions and I find it difficult to decide which was the best one: the first or the fourth. The first had vampire lords and giant frogs roaming around and the fourth had a real story and had those of us involved sitting at the edge of our seat during the entire thing, struggling to cling on to life. At least that was my experience, playing in Thalmarkin and Riombara (both realms that stood on the brink of destruction for a long time because they refused to ally with the invaders).

I don't care if the NPCs tricked anyone, I mean... imagine yourself as your character: giant beasts and walking corpses suddenly appear and start rampaging across human lands, would you believe what they have to say? I know that I, as a human being, would at least be a little wary of them..
Of course the invaders try to trick you and don't want mankind to be victorious, it's what they're there for and I think that was even pretty obvious judging from their actions - not their words.
You've imagined being your character, now imagine being Tom and seeing how even when facing terrible odds - which you designed - humans still remain true to their nature, even in a game. I think it's a pretty normal reaction of him - or anyone who has the same information he has - and not arrogant at all.

In short: they can only trick the player if you're playing from the player's perspective. So hide behind your character and you're safe.