Author Topic: What did we lose? What did we gain? 4th Inv aftermath  (Read 61048 times)

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Harsh, I guess, but I have a sinking feeling that it might not be far from the fact that many players might have simply thrown their hands up and said something like "Screw this! I'm just gonna do whatever and hope for the best."

Add to that the myriad of lies and deceit, both coming in the main game as well as in The Dream (which really should have been expected), along with the rumors and twists that humans include naturally, you have a story that reads like Mark Danielewski's House of Leaves minus the colorful text and bizarre typography.

That doesn't mean the story had to be simple, and I know very well that there was a lot of effort put into this. Unfortunately I think that a consequence of the reactions to presentation was that there was a lot of initial curiosity, then frustration, then some wrong twists, followed finally by reluctant acceptance that there was no answer in sight. And even if anyone did get to the right answer, they'd never know anyway (Until presumably Beyond comes out or something. Though if that does the unreliable narrator trick as in The Dream...Agatha Christie wasn't even immune to her readers getting angry about that stunt in more than one of her novels).

So much as I would like to think that people were really interested in 4th Inv, and by my involvement in these threads, I certainly was, as well as possibly some others, I think in large part players involved don't care too much about the story behind it all anymore, possibly more or less like their characters. They are probably more concerned about how to deal with the blight, and why undead were/are popping up more. The practical aspects, which realistically is probably what happens among humans after a calamity.

Also, for future reference, in general, humans really are that stupid, in case some things we did during the 4th Inv made foreheads meet palms.