Author Topic: What did we lose? What did we gain? 4th Inv aftermath  (Read 61217 times)


  • Noble Lord
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For those who don't know me, I play Askarn, who was King of Old Grehk during the War of the Nine Realms and the Fourth Invasion.

Given that we were in the middle of a fairly bitter continent wide war until about a week before the invasion began in earnest, I think the realms allied up about as well as could be hoped. What went wrong was, in my view, a combination of overconfidence and a lack of leadership. The general opinion amongst the Rulers (with the obvious exception of Sint) seemed to be that we'd be able to hold our own for a couple of months at least. Needless to say... this wasn't the case and Heen, Alluran and Mesh were doomed within weeks. After that it became more of an "every man for himself" situation.  None of the rulers stood up and offered any sort of plan on how to get through the invasion alive (or if they did, it was hopelessly tainted with self interest).
[Solari] it's generally understood that OG survives by some compact with the devil

Askarn - Maedros - Savra - Faed - Vanimus