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What did we lose? What did we gain? 4th Inv aftermath

Started by, March 07, 2011, 05:59:32 PM

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First off, those survivors of past Invasions, how was the aftermath in those? Were there more undead and monsters than usual?

The difference here is that the blight limits expansion. So where to from here? Even after the invaders have left, there are still ripples that cause damage throughout. Enweil remains much weaker than it once was, Bara'Khur is all but dead, the Meridian Republic is gone, Thalmarkin is unable to regain its former lands for a long time to come, the only way to reach Riombara is through Enweil and a narrow choke of one region.


Quote from: Artemesia on March 07, 2011, 05:59:32 PM
The difference here is that the blight limits expansion. So where to from here?


Quote from: egamma on March 07, 2011, 08:07:06 PM

You know the deal about how you don't offer a light to someone you just rescued from a fire? Here, it's basically "Yo guys, we just survived being burnt by daimons, eaten by monsters, and turned into undead. Let's go for round two in Dwilight!"  ;D

Although in all honesty Dwilight does have some nasty monsters occasionally.


Quote from: Artemesia on March 07, 2011, 08:20:50 PM
You know the deal about how you don't offer a light to someone you just rescued from a fire? Here, it's basically "Yo guys, we just survived being burnt by daimons, eaten by monsters, and turned into undead. Let's go for round two in Dwilight!"  ;D

Although in all honesty Dwilight does have some nasty monsters occasionally.

Your complaint was that there wasn't enough space for the realms that traditionally occupy Beluterra. My solution addresses that complaint.

And besides, the Daimons on dwilight more or less leave everyone alone. The monsters and undead are annoying, but as long as your realm sits next to another, the monsters only come from one direction.

On Beluaterra, I observe, I don't complain. I did kind of help out the invaders after all. Sorry about that.  :-[

I don't really care what realms do, I'm cool with seeing how they go about solving it. But it is undeniable that space is more limited.

More importantly, the point of my original post was to ask those who have been in past Invasions to talk about the aftermaths back then. Were there also large swarms in the backlash?


No, there were not those large swarms, at least not in the Third Invasion.

Really, as I remember it, the Third Invasion was pretty mild. I seem to remember Vlaanderen was destroyed; maybe that was also when Old Fronen was destroyed? I don't exactly remember. Luz de Bia bit the dust then as well. But, overall, it wasn't half as apocalyptic as the current one, and had little to no lingering consequences. We were back to fighting each other pretty quickly.

I'd say that, though Enweil has fewer regions, it is actually more powerful than before. It has virtually no borders with human realms now, so can't easily be conquered, and doesn't have the burden of feeding Ete City, but lost comparatively few rural regions. If and when the monsters/undead can be beaten back and stability restored, Enweil will be in an exceptionally powerful position, especially as Riombara lost its biggest breadbaskets: Cagamir and Bolkenia, as well as it's ally in the Dominion, and nobody can easily assault Enweil from the other side.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


I turned up in Beluaterra a good while after the Second Invasion I think. That was the last invasion not to have RP driven hordes. I think a heck of a lot of realms and regions were driven rogue and a lot of damage was done to Beluaterra though. Utterly ravaged populations and what have you, whilst we were also labouring under a different tax and hierarchy system back then. Talk persisted for ages of how realms were still recovering from invasion six months or so after I arrived. It was inhibiting war across the continent. The lingering debilitating effects actually delayed the imposition of the Third Invasion a lot longer than it was supposed to I believe.

The aftermath of the Third Invasion was different. There were a fair few rogue and daimon held regions dotted about, but most surviving realms were generally territorially intact and their economies were not completely ruined and/or eradicated. So yes, there was some damage to everyone, but not as painful as you might think. Food was an issue at the time. I can't really tell you whether hordes still roamed or what have you. I quickly cleared off to Wudenkin to help the newly established Valhus feed itself. I was just trading.

The Third Invasion sort of ended with a whimper rather than a bang you see. One minute it was invasion, the next it wasn't. A few realms worked together then to destroy the last vestiges of Arcane's realm, Vlaanderen. There was discussion here and there about what to do about a few surviving daimonic enclaves. I think Heen, Sint, Mesh and perhaps Old Grehk briefly teamed together to try to tackle the lands north of Sint but they were never recovered. Then Mesh made it her duty to quest all over to destroy surviving daimonic enclaves although she'd made it round most rather than all of them by the time the Fourth Invasion finally rolled round...


Revan's description is exactly my own impression and memory as well.

Especially Mesh's crusades around the continent against the last daimon holdouts.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


After the third invasion realms were pretty quick to re-claim the regions lost. The regions held by the invaders also had large numbers of Daimons in them so the monsters/undead that spawned there were destroyed by the Daimon Militia rather than wandering into human held lands.

Mesh would have continued to push on the northern Daimon lands but after our failed attack it seemed impossible to capture the area. The Daimons just brought more troops through the portal..

There was a storyline that the Daimon's regions around Beluaterra after the 3rd invasion were their breeding grounds but I don't recall that carrying over into the 4th invasion. I'm not sure if thats because of Mesh and other realms actually had destroyed them all or if it was dropped?


Well, the Daimons came out from Jobo's Mouth or thereabouts. All their other regions had been destroyed before then.

Based on what I can gather from the wiki, the second invasion was very severe. Old Grehk was one of the larger survivors and only had 4-5 regions at the end.
[Solari] it's generally understood that OG survives by some compact with the devil

Askarn - Maedros - Savra - Faed - Vanimus


Quote from: Vellos on March 07, 2011, 08:59:15 PM
No, there were not those large swarms, at least not in the Third Invasion.

Really, as I remember it, the Third Invasion was pretty mild. I seem to remember Vlaanderen was destroyed; maybe that was also when Old Fronen was destroyed? I don't exactly remember. Luz de Bia bit the dust then as well. But, overall, it wasn't half as apocalyptic as the current one, and had little to no lingering consequences. We were back to fighting each other pretty quickly.

I'd say that, though Enweil has fewer regions, it is actually more powerful than before. It has virtually no borders with human realms now, so can't easily be conquered, and doesn't have the burden of feeding Ete City, but lost comparatively few rural regions. If and when the monsters/undead can be beaten back and stability restored, Enweil will be in an exceptionally powerful position, especially as Riombara lost its biggest breadbaskets: Cagamir and Bolkenia, as well as it's ally in the Dominion, and nobody can easily assault Enweil from the other side.

The burden of feeding Ete? I'd take that burden back any day. It only took a freaking day or so for Ete to be Blighted, we still had men there when it happened.
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Quote from: Revan on March 08, 2011, 01:06:39 AM
The Third Invasion sort of ended with a whimper rather than a bang you see. One minute it was invasion, the next it wasn't. A few realms worked together then to destroy the last vestiges of Arcane's realm, Vlaanderen. There was discussion here and there about what to do about a few surviving daimonic enclaves. I think Heen, Sint, Mesh and perhaps Old Grehk briefly teamed together to try to tackle the lands north of Sint but they were never recovered. Then Mesh made it her duty to quest all over to destroy surviving daimonic enclaves although she'd made it round most rather than all of them by the time the Fourth Invasion finally rolled round...

Except it pissed off Sint, and Sint threatened them never to attack Jobo's again as there were still some semi-active daimons there.

Mesh went after a few nests, but barely any. It was more of an excuse to tresspass and assist Riombara than anything. There were still plenty of daimon nests around when they decided to gang-bang Enweil with all the other western realms.

Then, after a ceasefire was signed with Enweil, she went after Bara'Khur. Mesh' crusade was nothing but fluff, they spoke a lot more about it than they did anything, and they spent most of their time between the two invasions attacking other realms than attacking nests.
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A regret of Mesh will remain that we never got around to destroying Sint for their alliance with the Daimons. There was so many things to do after the 3rd invasion, hunt the Blood Cult, kill daimons, destroy Sint. Part of the varied focus at times came from different leaders elected.

Mesh did help destroy Vlaanderen whom we viewed as traitors to humanity for making a Daimon their God. I disagree that Mesh did little about the nests. We marched troops all the way to the islands to fight them and our actions provoked one of the few actions by the Daimons after the main invasion when the Daimons attacked us.

Our war with Enweil had to do with the Blood Cult, which Mesh viewed as evil and working with the Daimons. I know you and the rest of Enweil have a different view of why we were involved but thats the reason I remember discussed from having a character in the realm at that time.


I was only on Beluaterra for about a year before the fourth invasion, but I remember that Mesh stayed out of the War of the Nine Realms until after they destroyed the last two Daimon nests outside the Jobo area.
[Solari] it's generally understood that OG survives by some compact with the devil

Askarn - Maedros - Savra - Faed - Vanimus


Quote from: Sypher on March 08, 2011, 09:04:01 AM
A regret of Mesh will remain that we never got around to destroying Sint for their alliance with the Daimons. There was so many things to do after the 3rd invasion, hunt the Blood Cult, kill daimons, destroy Sint. Part of the varied focus at times came from different leaders elected.

Mesh did help destroy Vlaanderen whom we viewed as traitors to humanity for making a Daimon their God. I disagree that Mesh did little about the nests. We marched troops all the way to the islands to fight them and our actions provoked one of the few actions by the Daimons after the main invasion when the Daimons attacked us.

Our war with Enweil had to do with the Blood Cult, which Mesh viewed as evil and working with the Daimons. I know you and the rest of Enweil have a different view of why we were involved but thats the reason I remember discussed from having a character in the realm at that time.

You chose your "evils". You continuously fought alongside Sint, and betrayed the realm that founded you over a fringe religion having but a handful of followers in it (and even having greater numbers of followers and temples in other realms). Sint worshipped the invaders as gods, tried to summon their "destroyer" god, and unleashed their armies against the other realms of the continent. The Blood Cult did...

Yet it was the greater evil? No, the Blood Cult was a pretext. There were a *lot* of clues that were picked up that Mesh would eventually betray Enweil, it came as a surprise only to those too blinded by the memories of the old days.

Basically all realms engaged in long walks to fight the daimons. Rio did, Enweil did, all according to their abilities and opportunities. Considering this, Mesh did not do any more than anyone else. Hell, considering they had much greater opportunity and capacity to act, they did considerably less than many.
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