Author Topic: Massive negative trade Balance  (Read 27963 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: Massive negative trade Balance
« Reply #15: October 03, 2011, 07:11:14 AM »
The Lurias are, the way I see it, bigger than ever. So I consider that they could shrink some and still be fine. Regardless...

So all of the negative bonds were voided...

But, won't that mean double gold for Madina? 'cause wasn't that gold that was deducted from the people of Madina already paid to the rurals?

We'll see.   Abbot reported a whole bunch of bugs with the Caravans too, which are skewing the tax results - gold is disappearing and appearing - it will take next week and we can see what the results look like, it could be negative again even for all we know.

I mean - we are net exporting food to Paisly by huge amounts, and at a profit.   In theory there is no way Madina could have had "negative" gold.

Also, keep in mind the negative gold went in other places too - as the Ruler it even caused me to lose tax gold - that money is not coming back, as it was "collected" from last week, but was reduced by the negative cash collected.

All sorts of weird bugs.   But it'll work out.  We can pay troops for this week with the negative bonds gone, which is fine all we needed.   The rest can be debugged as we go.   Welcome to testing and all that :P