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The Adventure

Started by Daycryn, July 28, 2011, 07:03:49 AM

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The barmaid returned with their drinks in record time.  Rouen had never seen her move so quickly or smile so broadly, Lokenth's generosity had certainly made an impression on her.  Rouen accepted the flagon, gave Lokenth a nod of thanks and drank deeply.

"I believe I am beginning to like your proposal.  It does get tiresome talking to myself on the long journeys between towns and some company would be most welcome for a time.  As my friend here says, 'Strength in numbers!'  And it would be nice to have a few more of those gold coins in my pockets.  Maybe we can pursue this friendship over the next few days and see where it takes us.  I for one am ready to be gone from this city, I crave the open air and the hospitality of the country.  Surely we can rustle up some trouble outside of Remton.  Where would you have us start, Lokenth?

"But listen to me, I wouldn't presume to speak for you Svetlana.  Perhaps you are not as enthusiastic about wandering around the countryside with this virtual stranger?  We hardly know him, but I can not think of a reason not to share his company for at least for a time, can you?"


Lokenth had impressed Svetlana. This was surely more interesting than the tough times she'd had alone in the woods, although almost losing your life to hellish beasts could at times count as interesting too, albeit not the good kind. She was wondering why he was so vague but didn't hesitate nontheless.

Svetlana turned to Rouen: "No I cannot think of such reason either. Although he is more vague than I find reassuring, he is probably less dangerous then some of the things we meet dark at night in the lonesome woods. Let's go and see what happens, but be prepared. Dagger no further than one second away, as always."
House of Kain: Silas (Swordfell), Epona (Nivemus)


Rouen nodded to Svetlana and turned his attention back to Lokenth.  "It is agreed then, Svetlana and I will accompany you for a time and begin to build our friendship through hardship and strife."  He smiled at the man beside him, then lifted his mug.  "To new friends, common enemies, and hard won ale.  For it is better to fight with friends and drink the spoils together, than it is to toil alone, lost in the wilderness with nary a drop, nor comforting word... "

Rouen rambled on for a good minute.  His companions slowly lowered their drinks, only to raise them again when they thought Rouen was finished.  "And furthermore, we should not forget that..."

When he finally finished, everyone drained their vessels and Rouen signaled for another round.  "So, Lokenth, where would you have us go first?"