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Accusations of cheating

Started by BattleMaster Server, October 04, 2011, 07:34:46 PM

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FWIW - I've had two players, one who's character was already on the way to Akanos to become my knight, tell me they are not joining Toupellon because there's "too much ooc drama" concerning the accusations. Anecdotal and unverifiable, but there you go.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Vellos on October 13, 2011, 01:19:43 AM
Moreover, the last case had no "real damages." It was quickly corrected and all players involved set it right. This case has real defamation of a realm that the complainant believes are causing real harm to reputation; I believe that claim to be credible. I am all for a harsher sentence.

I agree that it deserves a harsher sentence. Just how much harsher is my question.

Were there other such letters made by the accused? Could some be given to demonstrate whether this was indeed not an isolated act?
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This is the entire ooc discussion pertaining to Toupellon that took place in Arcachon. I dont know about the discussion in Cathay and Toupellon.

Out-of-Character from Lucius Aulus of the Scipii   (8 days, 14 hours ago)
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I sense Lightning Bolts if this continues. It's like an Oligarchial attempt to "Win" F.E.I.

Maxim Jones

Out-of-Character from Farnese Vanimedle'   (8 days, 14 hours ago)
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The obvious OOC overtones for a lot of what has happened in Toupellon screams of OOC friends, the secession of Colasan, and then Ozrat was planned by friends for ages in advance, and then all the titles and appointments were given to certain players the moment they joined, and were reserved until they joined.

As for Toupellon as well, I bothered to talk to the ruler and such for a while, the realm has literally no identity, no culture, no purpose, no basis. It's literally just an amalgamate of land and that is it.

There is very little done IC in Toupellon, they are even just signing treaties, forming alliances without the IC ground work sorted first, everything is being done OOC as fast as possible. As for Roleplay, there isn't a single shred of it.

David . D

Out-of-Character from Ingall Altenahr   (8 days, 12 hours ago)
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Do we know if Arcea is part of this? If not then I suggest we immediately join in alliance with arcea and carve up this power played realm. This behaviour is dispicable beyond belief. These people should stick to shoot em ups. Thats their mentality.

Mohammed Qureshi

Out-of-Character from Sergei Ishimu   (8 days, 12 hours ago)
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which would be just as ooc as they are... assuming they are.

ben chow

Out-of-Character from Farnese Vanimedle'   (8 days, 12 hours ago)
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They signed an alliance with Arcaea as soon as possible, before they even drew up a treaty.

They just altered diplomacy as soon as game mechanics allowed.

David . D

Out-of-Character from Ingall Altenahr   (8 days, 11 hours ago)
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Nah I'm not suggesting ans ooc alliance, but a game based alliance against a common threat. We ought to try to see if the arceans see this unnatural state as a threat or they are happy to go along with it. We can definitely play it in character.

Mohammed Qureshi

Out-of-Character from Breonna Blakeshadow   (8 days, 6 hours ago)
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Breonna was half a step ahead of you hahaha.

she has already engaged in speaking with other ambassadors in both realms and among other things.

besides, give them some time to develop themselves if they truly wish for a wholesome realm. A new realm does take time, and I'm sure Breonna's introduction will encourage at least some RP...

of course if they are players like me! =D

Michelle Alow

Out-of-Character from Rodiriz Azul   (8 days, 6 hours ago)
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A soulless entity like that realm can't be wholesome. And if there hasn't been roleplay given the massive, world changing geo-political changes of the past few turns then there never will be. Its a game over realm.

Justin sony
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


Sounds indeed like someone needs a wake-up call...
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If we lock him, will the message go out to everyone in all of his realms? Can we send it continent-wide?
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


That...Makes me rather angry.  On several levels.  Enough that I'm going to recuse myself from further votes on the matter after asking whether action should be taken against the others.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


Quote from: Vellos on October 13, 2011, 01:19:43 AM
He has not acknowledged any guilt, taken any responsibility, or even made a response, despite havign a query on his log-in page. Absolutely that should be held against him.

I'm not sure of that. In a real court you do have the right to remain silent, and it won't be held against you if you do. I would say that anyone accused has an opportunity to respond, and can try to clear his name that way. Not saying anything is not an admission of guilt, though.


Quote from: Lefanis on October 13, 2011, 06:12:03 AM
<Archachon messages here>

That's very annoying indeed. The OOC lies have seemingly already settled in, with only one message there seeming to want proof before action is taken.

I think something needs to be done quite harshly to deal with the person spreading the lies and then a continent wide message made saying that lies were spread and Toupellon (yes, specifically name the realm) was not OOC formed.


Quote from: Tom on October 13, 2011, 11:45:00 AM
I'm not sure of that. In a real court you do have the right to remain silent, and it won't be held against you if you do. I would say that anyone accused has an opportunity to respond, and can try to clear his name that way. Not saying anything is not an admission of guilt, though.

Staying silent and court and not presenting oneself to court are two different things, though. As far as I know, one's a right, and the other is a kind of contempt of court. One is for not saying anything that could incriminate oneself, usually in order to get all the information first, while the other is an outright disregard for the judicial institution.

However, they may be a issue of fairness, though, if we judge the defendant on this basis while he wasn't warned he would be. As much as we try to work similar to a real court in order to deliver justice, our area of jurisdiction is still a *game* where people of many languages and backgrounds come and play. This does not pardon his acts, but perhaps he did not realize it would be taken against him. Maybe he tried to create an account on the forums and had trouble with it so he figured it wasn't worth it. Who knows?

I think not bothering to send a single message to defend yourself, regardless of how short it is, should be considered in judgements as it is a good indicator of the conscience the defendant has of his errors. A person who knows he has erred and wishes to repent would express it so. However, this should noted in the warning that appears on the user page so that the defendant is well aware of this before it is too late. Perhaps the magistrates should have a tool, as well, to be able to contact them, to be able to tell them things like "the judgement against you is about to close. If you wish to make a statement, now is the time".
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Quote from: Chénier on October 13, 2011, 05:09:36 PM
Maybe he tried to create an account on the forums and had trouble with it so he figured it wasn't worth it. Who knows?

I'm reasonably sure he has an account on the forums, with which he attempted to defend his actions in Thulsoma a while back when people were talking about them in the Dwilight forum.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Quote from: Anaris on October 13, 2011, 05:15:23 PM
I'm reasonably sure he has an account on the forums, with which he attempted to defend his actions in Thulsoma a while back when people were talking about them in the Dwilight forum.

He definitely does.


Quote from: Anaris on October 13, 2011, 05:15:23 PM
I'm reasonably sure he has an account on the forums, with which he attempted to defend his actions in Thulsoma a while back when people were talking about them in the Dwilight forum.

So he was part of the Thulsoma affair, and has failed to improve his knowledge/understanding of the social contract...?  :o
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Quote from: Chénier on October 13, 2011, 05:24:46 PM
So he was part of the Thulsoma affair, and has failed to improve his knowledge/understanding of the social contract...?  :o

You didn't know?

David D is know, Haruka Vanimedle, the leader of the Thulsoma "Saxons"?
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Quote from: Chénier on October 13, 2011, 05:09:36 PM
Staying silent and court and not presenting oneself to court are two different things, though. As far as I know, one's a right, and the other is a kind of contempt of court. One is for not saying anything that could incriminate oneself, usually in order to get all the information first, while the other is an outright disregard for the judicial institution.

I agree. However:

  • the specific text the player receives is:
    QuoteThere has been a complaint about you, brought before the Magistrates to arbitrate. If you want to follow the discussion or respond to the complaint, follow this link:
    - that is an invitation, not a demand. The "if you want" phrase allows him to say "nope, don't want to".
  • Even if you are in contempt of court, this shouldn't influence the judgement on the actual case. Being in contempt is not the same as being guilty.
Perhaps the magistrates should have a tool, as well, to be able to contact them, to be able to tell them things like "the judgement against you is about to close. If you wish to make a statement, now is the time".
I think that would be hand-holding. He was informed, he was provided a direct link to the forum thread, from that point on it's his decision if he wants to join in or not.


So, he has chosen not to post here. Therefore, without any defense supplied by the defendant at this time, and based on what has been discussed, he would arguably be found guilty. He has clearly forgone his opportunity to defend himself, as is his right.