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Sanguis Astroism

Started by dustole, October 09, 2011, 09:56:35 PM

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Terran being alive actually helps Aurvandil. If they conquer Terran they would be free to go down South when ever they wanted with no morale penalties and such .
"If you find you are falling into madness - dive."


Quote from: MediumTedium on January 07, 2013, 03:16:25 PM
Terran being alive actually helps Aurvandil. If they conquer Terran they would be free to go down South when ever they wanted with no morale penalties and such .

Not really. Perhaps the realm in Terrans place could, certainly nothing would change for the nobles from Morek, Astrum and Iashalur.
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


God damn... The charter is seriously screwed up.
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


Why do you think I tried to get it updated for the past 7 or 8 months?
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: dustole on January 07, 2013, 02:53:47 PM
Quite frankly, The north should take Terran, Aurvandil should take Barca and the Lurias should take D'hara.  Then the 3 factions will be within striking distance of one another and the real wars can start.   Unless of course you like the idea of paying Terran to fight a war for you or you like the idea of a gang bang.

So, you find more interesting three huge hegemonic entities fighting an hypothetical war, and propose the north to take Terran. I can't find a reason for that.

Let's forget about the bunch of rogue regions in the north that have been unruled for quite some time. Now let's think that many nobles in Terran (I don't know exactly how many, but Hireshmont II amongst them) follow the SA. I think they have more reasons to let hem be (I won't talk about contributions), than make war against them.

Now, Aurvandil forbids the spreading of any religion within its borders, in quite a particular way that maybe they like I guess to reaffirm their peculiarity comparing the rest of Dwilight (I don't know what all its regions are like, but the northern marches follow several religions, SA amongst them). They have given home to Allison, a character who decided to "apostatize" from the SA because she was accused to bribe in I don't know exactly which process. She even "threatened" the elders who gave her a hand of redemption, assuring she would found the "true religion" SA should be. And then she called it "Orthodox Astroism" or something similar, in what seems an exercise of provocation.

Personally I think Theocracies would have more reasons to be willing to fight Aurvandil and/or Allison than Terran.

I assume you think Aurvandil should take Barca to give you some parcels to found your own realm. Or maybe they find it necessary because they can afford it militarily speaking, I don't know.

And Terran could perfectly combine its existence with the possibility for the northern realms to bring war to Aurvandil, the way it's been mentioned.


The northern realms have no reason at all to make war on the Veinsormoot realms. Its destruction has been a pet project of Allison's for years. She especially despises D'Hara due to some incidents way back in the first year or so of Dwilight's opening. Unfortunately for her, no one else seems to want to join with her to do it.

As for the northern realms founding some kind of Crusade colony.... get real. Like any one has the nobles available to do such a thing, even if a way could be found to do it within the boundaries of SMA. It's not like either Terran or D'Hara would willingly give up a city to create a new SA theocracy in the middle of the Veinsormoot's three-way snugglefest.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: dustole on January 07, 2013, 02:53:47 PM
Sure, the Lurias and SA could go south but to what gain?  If the 'Moot can't take care of themselves why should others bother helping them?
It's fun! The Veinsormoot is already falling under SA domination.

QuoteI don't believe a Crusade will be called.
You also thought that Brom would win the Regency election hands-down. I think you said something like "I control enough votes that you can't stop Brom from being elected as Regent." Despite Allison's claims to being able to see the future, you're really not doing it very accurately.

QuoteQuite frankly, The north should take Terran, Aurvandil should take Barca and the Lurias should take D'hara.  Then the 3 factions will be within striking distance of one another and the real wars can start.   Unless of course you like the idea of paying Terran to fight a war for you or you like the idea of a gang bang.
If Aurvandil couldn't handle it, then maybe it would be a gang-bang. But let's face it, everyone has already acknowledged that any so-called "1v1" war on Aurvandil would be suicide for any realm. The entire Veinsormoot working together can't hold them back. All the recent chest-beating around here is merely the 'moot players trying to psyche themselves up. As soon as Aurvandil bothers to actually try to attack the Veinsormoot, they'll crumble just like last time.

Not only that, but none of the northern realms have any valid IC reason to attack any of the Veinsormoot realms. They have multiple valid reasons to attack Aurvandil. And you're just giving them more reasons.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.

Glaumring the Fox

Looks like dwilight will have to move towards smaller kingdoms in regards to its low playerbase...
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Quote from: Indirik on January 07, 2013, 04:46:16 PM
If Aurvandil couldn't handle it, then maybe it would be a gang-bang. But let's face it, everyone has already acknowledged that any so-called "1v1" war on Aurvandil would be suicide for any realm. The entire Veinsormoot working together can't hold them back. All the recent chest-beating around here is merely the 'moot players trying to psyche themselves up. As soon as Aurvandil bothers to actually try to attack the Veinsormoot, they'll crumble just like last time.

Aurvandil is quite strong, no doubt. But many other realms have had since these last two months (according the statistics) more military strength than them. In the particular case of Terran, with half the players Aurvandil has got (a lot of them with high level characters), it has been militarily superior in terms of CS. Terran has had more economic strength, and quite a similar food production and supply. So, it's all about planning and synchronizing carefully the campaigns, and the mentality towards war.

The myth of Aurvandil's invulnerability has been fed for long time, and I don't doubt it's very strong. But I it can be defeated, and I think it is possible even without the help of the SA.


Quote from: Glaumring on January 07, 2013, 05:11:41 PM
Looks like dwilight will have to move towards smaller kingdoms in regards to its low playerbase...

... which has increased by ~50 characters over the last three months.

Don't take your wishes for realities.
After all it's a roleplaying game.

Glaumring the Fox

All of which joined non-Astroist realms... :P
We live lives in beautiful lies...

Gustav Kuriga

Actually, I can explain the "lack" of nobles quiet easily, and it has nothing to do with the changing number of nobles. To put it simply, the new estate system allows us to expand into more regions, and for new realms to be created with less nobles than were needed before.  Because you are expanding, you get a higher ratio of lords to knights until you end up on the end of the spectrum the Farronite Republic is at, with all lords except for two knights in Golden Farrow. We aren't losing nobles so much as gaining lords, and lords can't exactly up and leave for a new realm whenever they want.


I dont recall threatening any Elders.  I thougt Brom would become Regent because I had garnered enough votes t kg at he had to cpnvince just 1 other Elder to vote gor him.  He assured me he had the support after I told him who I had.  He failed to gain even 1 supporter.  He over exagerated his support and I believed him.  He said that Prophet Mathurin would endorse him...
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)

Glaumring the Fox

The only Astroist realm with nobles is Morek. The rest of the realms are small and stagnant.
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Quote from: Glaumring on January 07, 2013, 05:11:41 PM
Looks like dwilight will have to move towards smaller kingdoms in regards to its low playerbase...
You have it backward. Lower number of players tends to *increase* the geographic size of realms. Realms have to have a certain number of characters to survive. Otherwise the players get bored and leave. If you drop the number of characters, the players will tend to cluster together, causing those realms they choose to expand. If you increase the number of characters on an island, there is greater pressure for positions and power, so the realms will fragment as players scramble to create the power positions they want.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.