Author Topic: Sanguis Astroism  (Read 1083709 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Sanguis Astroism
« Reply #3480: February 03, 2014, 03:06:23 AM »
And cause the loss of most of the religion's followers? Not to mention that our own realms are much more exposed to this kind of behavior than hers is.

Her realm supports her. Even if we went to outright destroy Niselur, she could just hop on a ship until the realm is deleted from the database and never even risk capture. She'd likely just go to Asylon, though, which is confy with the Zuma on one side, the seas on another, and Niselur on the other. And without significant SA following in most of their core regions. No way we could crack that nut.

Resistance is utterly futile. Dishman used the click to win button. Nothing more to do. Attempting to resist is to legitimize this click to win situation.

She doesn't have much actual power when you think about it. She can select elders and she can ban lay members of the church, who evidently can then just join again. If the entire priesthood disregards her orders and considers her illegitimate she's not that powerful at all.