Author Topic: Sanguis Astroism  (Read 1083420 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Sanguis Astroism
« Reply #3480: February 03, 2014, 03:08:47 AM »
I admit that I wanted to stir the pot, but I still hope it doesn't stir people away from the game. It's an online game guild where a lot of decisions are made with little to no cooperation, so I'm not overly concerned about that. Does anyone even recall the lack of interest in the Regency election?

I expect Jonsu will have some fun with old rivals, but I also expect someone with 21 fun medals can see SA going through a new age.

The monster spawns also came at an unanticipated time. It kind of flavors the madness a bit more, I have to say.

This sounds like a very good way to approach it. If Stabbity is up for it, it could liven up the church a bit while leaving old-schoolers their own familiar part. 

This is the kind of reaction I'd like to see, rather than people wanting to flip the board and walk away. If this is too much of a backstab for you to handle, is there a way it could be eased that you can tolerate it enough to continue playing a friendly game of backstab? It might have been a mistake to demote myself, as now it is up to Stabbity, but I think he will work with other players.

If enough people agree maybe we could have Tom split it into Eastern and Western Astroist Churches. It makes sense that she'd have serious trouble commanding temples and priests located hundreds of miles away which are lorded over by nobles who hate her.