Author Topic: Sanguis Astroism  (Read 1058131 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Sanguis Astroism
« Reply #3600: February 04, 2014, 01:57:43 AM »
Fine then. Change class from Priest, and I will remove you from the religion. It was abuse a few days ago when Fulco was a Priest, and he was decent enough to change class to be removed (thereby circumnavigating game mechanics as you now condemn me for trying to do IN YOUR FAVOR). Maybe I'll just destroy the organization, if thats going to be the attitude.

I was planning to become a priest for months. Fulco did it the day after he was threatened with excommunication. If you're going to use the cheapest trick in the book to WIN we'll use whatever tricks we want to fight back. (By the way no matter how much you deny it "winning" is what you call it when you usurp the most powerful position in the game). So have fun re-excommunicating fifteen people a day.

I just find it funny that for ages the attitude of some of the very people crying "I'm taking my ball and going home" was "The Elders are the Elders, and that is it." and now suddenly that is proven wrong, and they decide to quit because they're not "winning". I don't give a !@#$ about "winning" because you can't win BM.

If you'd actually played a decent charismatic character you could have put real pressure on the elders by attracting the favor of the rest of the members. The elders actually weren't willing to sacrifice the whole religion if they didn't get their way so with enough pressure they might have caved. Unfortunately for you you were an utter failure at that because you made it blatantly clear you just wanted power and would say anything to get it.

The problem was the whole premise of your protest, that the elders were an impenetrable monolith no one could ever hope to sway was a total lie and everyone knew it. If you had a legitimate point about anything you might have actually risen through the ranks in the elder council.

You failed to achieve your goal playing in good faith so you chose to find an exploitable mechanical flaw.

I've heard "but thats not provided for in the charter!" from some people who have no right to reference Sanguis Astroism's charter. That Charter is a joke, and for ages its been ignored when politically convenient (read Niselur) or even completely replaced to achieve purely political purposes. Now someone else is ignoring it, successfully, and not in the favor of those who have benefited from ignoring it in the past and its suddenly CHEATING AND POWER GAMING AND ABUSE.

Yes because the charter is a construct of the players rather then a crap game mechanic. A construct mind you that YOU helped create. You were on the elder council once, you made charter revisions, but you overplayed your hand and got burned. You seriously wonder why we're made you chose the cheap exploit after you failed your attempts to play in good faith?

I was recently sent a message out of character from a player, whom I never really had the much regard for, and continue to not have much regard for them saying "they should take away all of your fun medals because you killed our fun!"

If your fun relies on an institution in this game, you are playing it WRONG. Institutions are fine. They rise, the fall. Even the Roman Empire fell, and if an institution that stretched from Spain and Great Britian, through North Africa and in the Middle East can fall, then so can Sanguis Astroism. Europe survived. The Middle East survived. North Africa survived. Dwilight will survive too.

It saddens me that it will be because some players weren't happy about not being in charge. Pettiness laying low the largest religion Dwilight has ever seen, pretty sad.

You're right. The problem is all of us. All the dozens of people telling you you exploited a faulty game mechanic to achieve excessive gains are just jealous. How great it must feel for you to be right and every single other player wrong (except the ones you've bribed with in game goodies). How petty of us not to play along with you even when you were nice enough to threaten to destroy our favorite part of the game.

Enough sarcasm. Here are the only conceivable ways this goes down.

1. You mull around with Jonsu as Regent and stay in the safest place possible until you get bored with it. If you actually follow through on your campaign promises SA will be more boring and stagnant then it ever was. I think you'll find an impregnable seat of power is the most boring thing you could possible have. This outcome is also what will happen if you try for the crap mini game. It was a bad idea, a non starter. Don't waste your time or anyone else's with it.

2. You play this out in a fun way and take risks now and then so there's a chance you'll actually die. A real struggle ensues and we might actually have some fun.

3. If neither of those options sound appealing you accept there's no fun to be had with what you've just done. You step down and found a real schism or do whatever else you want to do.

4. You tank the religion out of shear childish spite.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2014, 02:08:49 AM by pcw27 »