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Sanguis Astroism

Started by dustole, October 09, 2011, 09:56:35 PM

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Gustav Kuriga

Quote from: Qyasogk on May 15, 2014, 07:10:33 PM
Well, let's be honest here. Asylon enjoyed beating up on Astrum for quite a long time with relative impunity. Working with your Niselurian comrades, you very nearly destroyed what was once one of the most powerful kingdoms in Dwilight. We all got !@#$ed when the monster hordes invaded, only we had allies in he east we could work with of an exit strategy and Asylon did not.

Yes, but did Asylon ever completely wipe out all the regions that Astrum owned? I think not...


Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on May 15, 2014, 11:33:07 PM
Yes, but did Asylon ever completely wipe out all the regions that Astrum owned? I think not...
They could have and they decided not to.


Quote from: Buffalkill on May 16, 2014, 01:06:42 AM
They could have and they decided not to.

The irony is what gets me. The pious theocrats are more barbarous than the druggie warrior kings. Hell, Astrum ate their papal state quicker than Asylon could get to some good bits.
Eoric the Dim (Perdan), Enoch the Bright (Asylon), Emeric the Dark (Obsidian Islands)

Orobos, The Insatiable Snake (Sandalak)

Glaumring the Fox

This monster invasion has successfully turned dynamic Dwilight into the Far-East continent with an empty mirror on the west coast.
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Quote from: Dishman on May 16, 2014, 01:26:26 AM
The irony is what gets me. The pious theocrats are more barbarous than the druggie warrior kings. Hell, Astrum ate their papal state quicker than Asylon could get to some good bits.

Considering how Corsanctum's ruler went nuts, and how the realm turned on itself with constant defections, is anyone really surprised?
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on May 15, 2014, 05:50:22 PM
Well you are an older player with at least 4-5 noble slots. New players, who made up most of Asylon's population, only have 2 noble slots. So most of their experience is of Asylon. The fact that you say this shows how out of touch you are with the newer players of the game.

Woah there.

I haven't played more than 1 character in quite a while.

And I lost realms (like Oligarch) when I was a new player too.

Part of the game. We've all done our fair share of pitching fits (myself quite recently), so I get it: but it's best to just move on, or take a break for a bit if you need to.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on May 15, 2014, 11:33:07 PM
Yes, but did Asylon ever completely wipe out all the regions that Astrum owned? I think not...
Asylon was attacking, whereas Astrum was defending against the Asylon Invasion. It is not barbaric to not let your enemies take your land. As well, Corsanctum ceded its regions to Astrum and thus they were Astrum's regions that Asylon was taking.

Lastly, Asylon is not dead, they have regions in the south.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


This is not the Asylon thread so I will not discuss Asylon here.

So what happens with the Theocracies now? will they allow the old Corsanctum rise again? or is the trinity of Theocracies ruined?
King Grimrog Bjarnson of Asylon.


Quote from: Bjarnson on May 16, 2014, 02:35:25 PM
This is not the Asylon thread so I will not discuss Asylon here.

So what happens with the Theocracies now? will they allow the old Corsanctum rise again? or is the trinity of Theocracies ruined?

Regent Cathan and Vasilif Sergio agreed to unite Astrum and Corsanctum. Realpolitik seems to have won out over the holy-land idea of Corsanctum. Astrum needed lands and had government; Corsanctum had lands and needed proper government.

The result seems to be that pro-union nobles have stuck with Astrum, and anti-union nobles have gone to Swordfell and Asylon; or so it seems to me.


Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on May 15, 2014, 11:33:07 PM
Yes, but did Asylon ever completely wipe out all the regions that Astrum owned? I think not...

You made an enemy, an enemy you thought you could safely declare war on and relentlessly attack because your regions were safely out of our reach.

Times changed and then we all found ourselves fighting over the same scrap of land. A stronger Astrum that hadn't been relentlessly attacked by three enemy realms might have been more comfortable negotiating some kind of peace with Asylon. But a weakened and vulnerable Astrum did not have the luxury of sparing their enemies lives. Sorry, that's the cold hard truth.

Gustav Kuriga

Quote from: Qyasogk on May 20, 2014, 12:11:09 AM
You made an enemy, an enemy you thought you could safely declare war on and relentlessly attack because your regions were safely out of our reach.

Times changed and then we all found ourselves fighting over the same scrap of land. A stronger Astrum that hadn't been relentlessly attacked by three enemy realms might have been more comfortable negotiating some kind of peace with Asylon. But a weakened and vulnerable Astrum did not have the luxury of sparing their enemies lives. Sorry, that's the cold hard truth.

You say you, like I'm a part of Asylon. I wasn't. I was part of Barca. And the cold hard truth is a lot of players have left Dwilight out of frustration. So while yes, IC, it might have made sense, you should have made an effort to not completely eliminate your enemies. Because you want to know what happens when you do that? You get Atamara v2.0. Boring gang-bang wars, where no one can have a one-on-one fight without a realm like CE getting involved.


Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on May 20, 2014, 01:49:35 AM
You say you, like I'm a part of Asylon. I wasn't. I was part of Barca. And the cold hard truth is a lot of players have left Dwilight out of frustration. So while yes, IC, it might have made sense, you should have made an effort to not completely eliminate your enemies. Because you want to know what happens when you do that? You get Atamara v2.0. Boring gang-bang wars, where no one can have a one-on-one fight without a realm like CE getting involved.

That's one thing some players just don't understand. This game is not about winning. It's about making it interesting for everyone. Something Astrum and Morek players will never ever understand.


Quote from: Disturbedyang on May 20, 2014, 02:26:15 AM
That's one thing some players just don't understand. This game is not about winning. It's about making it interesting for everyone. Something Astrum and Morek players will never ever understand.

You will never make it fun for everyone.  There will always be winners and losers.  Astrum lost a lot of players when thru started losing regions and were fighting a 2 front war.    I haven't seen many stats so I don't know if that is a fair comparison.  I don't believe we've lost too many players from the Dwilight reduction.  We may have lost some characters, but I've seen a few emigrations. 

In any case you can't blame the monster invasion on Astrum/Morek.  I would also like to point out that those two realms have generated a lot of fun and have evenhad a war if sorts between themselves in the past.
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)


Quote from: Disturbedyang on May 20, 2014, 02:26:15 AM
That's one thing some players just don't understand. This game is not about winning. It's about making it interesting for everyone. Something Astrum and Morek players will never ever understand.

"You play in Astrum/Morek, therefore you don't understand the game. You should all just quit so the rest of us can have fun."

Huh... wow. Not even a broad brush can apply all that paint all at once. You'd need, like, a 480VAC power sprayer to deliver that much.

Look, you were doing great in your first few sentences. At least in part. Then you tossed in that last zinger, and lost all credibility.

BattleMaster is a quite complicated game. It's about a lot of things. In a way, it is about winning. And it is also about losing. And also about that squishy, vague area between these two extremes. You can win all kinds of things. It's the triumphs and the losses that give the game so much meaning. without the consequences to your actions, the game would be bland and boring. It would take the grandstanding and soapboxing commonly seen on the ruler's channel, and spread it out across the entire game. We'd all be marching back and forth across the same tired  landscape screaming about how your father smelt of elderberries, knowing that no matter what happens, we can't really lose anything of importance,our enemies will always forgive us.

One of the key facets of BattleMaster is the fact that your actions have consequences. The butcher will present the bill. You can lose everything. Make the wrong choice, and your entire realm can be wiped out. This is the spice that makes the stew worth eating. Would you really want to play a game where no matter what you did, your adversary always stopped just a hair from wiping you out, and let you recover your strength so you could just do it all over again next week?

That brings us to one of the other key facets of the game: The actions that you take now will come back to bite your ass in the future. The game has a persistent history. Little insults and minor struggles can blow up to be major conflicts. Each little poke of the stick may be small. Put them together and they add up to a whole lot of pissed off. This goes both ways. In this war, Astrum did take the shot, and wiped out Asylon. Now you have a lot of pissed off ex-Asylonians who will probably spread out, and take those grudges with them. I wouldn't be surprised if several of them eventually lead a push that slams Astrum hard at some time in the future, possibly wiping them out, too.

No matter how it plays out, whether your realm wins or loses, you need to take it in stride. Ride the event for all its worth. When it's done, move on somewhere else. Regroup. Rebuild. Bring the fight back under a new banner. Or raise your old banner again, and show them bastards that they made a mistake.

But don't come here onto the forums complaining about how the players on the other side are mean puppy-kickers who steal candy from babies. Keep all that acrimony in-character.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Those Astrum dogs will pay for what they have done! Stealing away my cosy life. Come may the day they shalt feel my wrath once again!, mwahaha...  ;)

"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd