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Sanguis Astroism

Started by dustole, October 09, 2011, 09:56:35 PM

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Corsanctum was not the papal state and not the home of Mathurin.  He left that realm long ago and joined terran.
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)


Corsanctum  was in no way a vassal state of Morek, or anyone. They were smaller, weaker allies of Morek, but not vassals.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


I for one am just amazed that a missionary of another faith can just walk into Morek and call them all heathens without being banned or even just being deluged with angry letters from the faithful.

SA really needs to shape up :p


Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)


Find a new line of conversation or I will find one for you. Some of the recent cruft  has been removed.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


How far has Sanguis Astroism spread at this point? Is the religion still spreading?

What are the relations between Ecclesial Sanguiastroism and Sanguis Astroism? Ecclesial Sanguiastroism's wiki page sounds like they are hostile towards Sanguis Astroism but I did not find mention of Ecclesial Sanguiastroism on Sanguis Astroism's wiki page...

What is this Orthodox Astroism I saw briefly mentioned on the Sanguis Astroism wiki page? Are they even still around? hat is their relation to Ecclesial Sanguiastroism?

I was never in the know regarding Sanguis Astroism a year ago and it seems like a lot has changed since then!


So here's a refresher course on astroist faiths then...

Sanguis Astroism spread across northeast Dwilight quickly, then across to Darfix in the east. Gained a foothold in Lurias, D'hara, and Terran as well. Niselur rebelled against the northern SA federation followed by the western monster invasion and we obviously only have the east left.

Well before the monster invasion, Occidental Astroism was founded in Aurvandil by Allison Kabrinski (mother of now Alaster Kabrinski) a very prominent/controversial SAer (Old Morek, Kabrinskia and on). This was eventually declared heresy by Prophet Mathurin. Never caught on and fizzled out, ending when Allison claimed it was all a ruse to get into Mendicant's (aurvandil's ruler) good graces and Allison was executed/poisoned/suicided.

So shortly the monster invasion, Jonsu, far more controversial and with less heritage, took control of SA. This caused all sorts of drama (not just ic unfortunately), one of which was Seoras proclaiming Ecclesial Sanguiastroism to follow Mathurin over Jonsu with a Malus Solari/Rabisu Daycryn bent. For context, Jonsu had already been declared an enemy of the lurian empire while Seoras was reigning emperor and Jonsu had profusely written against Mathurin.

The relations between SA and ESA were sour (declared evil) while Jonsu was in SA but after she was kicked out, they went to variant faiths. Alaster Kabrinski joined Luria for a time though and they weren't exactly compatible, so there's probably some underlying tension with how events shook out post-Jonsu, but other elders have been more positive. Basically, SA reformed the Church into more voting positions while ESA stayed more orthodox in its structure, even reverting to some older SA elements. SA involves non-priests in higher level decisions than ESA which puts priests above others, especially in theological discussions, to try and simplify life for the congregants and not deluge them in theological debates.

As far as wiki pages go, when I founded ESA, I mostly copied SA's wiki over and edited it a bit to mark out the key differences. It was done immediately at the time of Jonsu's hold over SA so it probably is more hostile in wording. SA's wiki hasn't been touched much for awhile other than perhaps the ranks updated, some theological bit stuffed into a subpage etc.

Hope that helps. :)


Quote from: Vita on July 17, 2014, 07:09:15 PM
Occidental Astroism was founded in Aurvandil by Allison Kabrinski (mother of now Alaster Kabrinski) a very prominent/controversial SAer (Old Morek, Kabrinskia and on). This was eventually declared heresy by Prophet Mathurin. Never caught on and fizzled out, ending when Allison claimed it was all a ruse to get into Mendicant's (aurvandil's ruler) good graces and Allison was executed/poisoned/suicided.

Actually, that was Orthodox Astroism. Occidental Astroism was a guild that consisted mostly of Niselur/Kabrinskia faithfuls, I have no idea if it still exists.

There was also a branch named Unitary Astroism that seems defunct, did that last long?
After all it's a roleplaying game.


Jonsu was involved in one. Was that Unitary? I think that one died, too. It was founded in Niselur.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Oh yes, you're right. I confuse the terms Occidental/Orthodox for some reason; I didn't even know Occidental Astroism was a thing.

Unitary Astroism was founded in Niselur. Unfortunately for their future, it was a relatively short period of time before the mosnter invasion began. Obviously doomed by the bloodstars for their heresies I say! ;) More seriously, if I recall correctly, it was a synthesis of the bloodstars and the bloodmoon (though the bloodmoon recognizes stars as well as I recall).


Quote from: Indirik on July 17, 2014, 07:41:51 PM
Jonsu was involved in one. Was that Unitary? I think that one died, too. It was founded in Niselur.

That was probably Iconoclastic Astroism.
After all it's a roleplaying game.


Occidental Astroism was a military coordination guild for the three Astroist realms in the west. It only partially caught on before the GF people went insane.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.

Gustav Kuriga

Quote from: Indirik on July 17, 2014, 08:02:05 PM
Occidental Astroism was a military coordination guild for the three Astroist realms in the west. It only partially caught on before the GF people went insane.

Yes, quite the fun times. Well, except for me getting the city dumped on me when it was starving to death after Allison abandoned the realm. And having to nurse it back to health and constantly look for food rather than take part in any RP and fighting. Other than that, fun times.


I was thinking about how often I have heard complaints about how unbalanced it for the SA realms to always team up against opponents. Finally, I think I have discovered the most effective counter attack! The best way to "destroy" the SA block...

Convert! Join SA!

Once all realms are dedicated to SA it makes religion less of a factor when realms decide to pick sides. Right now it is a decisive factor. If a non-SA realm attacks an SA realm then it is easy for other SA realms to pick a side. Support their fellow believers! But if all realms are SA then other factors will have to be considered!

This idea has probably already been considered but it just struck me today... man I can be slow sometimes!

Gustav Kuriga

Quote from: Scarborn on July 18, 2014, 08:34:15 AM
I was thinking about how often I have heard complaints about how unbalanced it for the SA realms to always team up against opponents. Finally, I think I have discovered the most effective counter attack! The best way to "destroy" the SA block...

Convert! Join SA!

Once all realms are dedicated to SA it makes religion less of a factor when realms decide to pick sides. Right now it is a decisive factor. If a non-SA realm attacks an SA realm then it is easy for other SA realms to pick a side. Support their fellow believers! But if all realms are SA then other factors will have to be considered!

This idea has probably already been considered but it just struck me today... man I can be slow sometimes!

That's not really a good argument. If all the realms are SA, then in all likelihood what would happen is that all the realms would team up against the first realm to attack another SA realm.