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Sanguis Astroism

Started by dustole, October 09, 2011, 09:56:35 PM

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Glaumring the Fox

Quote from: Stabbity on March 07, 2013, 06:00:25 AM
Perhaps if you approached those other realms, and began to show them goodwill and over time gathered support and showed them you were a worthy friend, and then upon your war declaration stated you would allow Astroist lands to remain as they are under your banner you wouldn't have to worry.

Good politics omg!

Your idealism is palpable.
We live lives in beautiful lies...

Glaumring the Fox

SA was lucky to have been here at the founding of Dwilight. They got a headstart. That doesnt mean we should stop making religions. CoB is steadily growing, we have lots of temples and a few new members. Its fun, we have good roleplayers and dedicated members. Things will change over time hopefully for the better, we admit that our biggest problem right now is that so many realms dislike us because = Asylon = Glaumring.
We live lives in beautiful lies...


If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.

Glaumring the Fox

Quote from: Indirik on March 07, 2013, 05:00:03 PM
'Tis true.

The nobles of Asylon know who I am and we all get along great.  If the rest of Dwilight doesnt get me I must being doing something right. The day you stop pissing people off is the day you become irrelevant.  The choices a king makes are for his people first, as long as I remain important and have friends in whatever realm I serve I will have achieved my goal. The difference between myself and people who despise me is that I carry no animosity and always welcome them to my realm as an old friend and answer their letters, behaviour I have seen lacking in many who despise me. The quality of people are not honourable, therefore they are irrelevant.

You are made into man not by ease in life but by trials and tribulation. Batman has the Joker... Which one are you to me?
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Quote from: Sir Grimrog Bjarnson on March 07, 2013, 03:53:07 AM
Because Glaumring might be a Paramount Lord in Asylon, but he do no longer carry the Crown of Asylon. (But I guess that dosent matter since it seems that on the forums Glaumring = Asylon)

Quote from: Glaumring on March 07, 2013, 06:00:27 PM
If the rest of Dwilight doesnt get me I must being doing something right. The day you stop pissing people off is the day you become irrelevant. The choices a king makes are for his people first, as long as I remain important and have friends in whatever realm I serve I will have achieved my goal.

Huh. And you wonder why...
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell

Glaumring the Fox

The people who dont like me are just jealous and the people who know me know there is nothing to be jealous about.  8)
We live lives in beautiful lies...


So you measure your success byy how many people you piss off. And you do this because you think it's the right thing to do for your realm. Therefore you think that what's best for your realm is to piss off as many other relams and people as possible.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.

Glaumring the Fox

No, I came up with the council of Mech Albion a way our two realms to find understanding. I was an early adopter of the Moot and built a guildhouse in Asylon to foster better communication. I stood by Terran and fought above and beyond the call of duty for them. I made the secret alliance with D'Hara to protect them against Kabrinskia. I have constantly pressed for good and equal relations with the Zuma. I was always speaking with the prophet in SA and sent him a 'caged speaking monster from Valldirr' during the times of Old Thulsoma. I have always worked for mutually respectful relations with Iashular.

Judging from my track record, I pissed off Vellos and Chenier because they are flakes and I pissed off Indirik because he is a humourless pail of grey paint. I am still good friends with many people and still strive to build a better Dwilight.

The other day King Grimrog said to me that he now understands the hard choices a king makes and we spoke of how no decision is right or wrong as king, it comes down to choices, the choice of 100000 peasants dying or 99999 dying. You have to make your choices with consideration to your realm. Just like everyone else is.

Whats this have to do with SA? Well many in SA are doing what they think is right, but it pisses off other people. What can they do about it? I dont know thats up to each leader and history to tell.
We live lives in beautiful lies...


For the record, the character Glaumring doesn't piss me off, nor does he piss off Brance. He annoys Brance occasionally, on the rare occasion that he even comes forward out of the background.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.

Glaumring the Fox

Well for the record Indirik does not piss me off either. I dont even know where it comes from. I pick on Astrum and Indirik more on the forums than ingame. Our relations with Astrum have always been next to zero, I have not spoken or met anyone from Astrum in ages. They are as conversational as the Aurvandiil from what I have encountered. Funny thing is is that I used to fear Morek more and as of the last few years have had great encounters and conversations with Morekians who have visited Asylon. Astrum is our neighbor, all I know about them is that they want Itau and keep propping up hostile neighbors on our borders and then blame us for being paranoid. :P
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Mrh? Astrum doesn't want Itau. That would be ridiculous. The Farronites want Itau.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.

Glaumring the Fox

Whatever same thing :P

We live lives in beautiful lies...


Nonsense. D'Hara wants  Itau  ::)
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"

Glaumring the Fox

Oh thats fine as long as its not big bad Indirik!
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Quote from: JeVondair on March 07, 2013, 08:58:19 PM
Nonsense. D'Hara wants  Itau  ::)

Its not custom in Asylon to give wedding gifts ;)
King Grimrog Bjarnson of Asylon.