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Sanguis Astroism

Started by dustole, October 09, 2011, 09:56:35 PM

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Quote from: Vellos on March 08, 2013, 02:20:23 AM
Because it's way more fun to only have 10 people to talk to in your realm than 30.

I was once a huge fan of little realms. I still do think there's a vital place for little realms: nor do I think giant empires are necessary great either. But I'm getting to where I really think 20-40 nobles, 2-3 cities is probably about the ideal size for most realms. Seems like big and small realms are super hit-or-miss on their ability to retain players.
I have always maintained that you need a certain critical number of players (players not characters) in a realm to make it a fun and engaging realm. I don't feel that in most normal circumstances that you ca achieve that in realms of less than about two dozen players. These realms tend to be too quiet, and not enough action happens. That's not to say that in exceptional circumstances it *can't* happen (I have head that Republic of Fwuvoghor with  under a dozen characters was very active), that is definitely unusual. There is only a certain number of players that will really be active in a realm. The larger the realm, the greater the chance that you will exceed this inexact critical threshold and achieve a thriving, active realm. You can still get larger realms with high numbers of players that are boring and stagnant, but the chances are lower. At least on Dwilight, a 10-character realm would have ten actual people, and not five people doubled-up. I have also noticed that realms with a larger percentage of doubled-up characters tend to be quieter, more stagnant, and more elitist.

This has always been why I have so strongly opposed to "duchy as team" mentality. In order to really stress that concept, the game would need to make the duchy the default widest communication channel you have. For most multi-duchy realms, that's just too small of a circle to maintain an active, fun atmosphere.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


In recent discussion, a point was made that since King Turin was away "on a Crusade" the Church is partly to blame for his not being in the realm when the rebellion occurred. Rabisu meant to merely rebut this by saying this:

QuoteThe Church bears no responsibility for Iashalur marching against Aurvandil. There is no Crusade.

But then he went on to say this:

QuoteThis word.... Crusade. How I have come to loathe reading it. Every little conflict opens the door, and someone in this Church bandies about the word. Hoping. Lusting. Seeking to pervert even the idea of a Holy War... into just another convenient label for a fashionable conflict. Aurvandil. Allison. Swordfell. The Farronite Republic. Asylon! Iashalur!! It sickens me, it truly does, to see the desires some have... to blunt and dull the edge of the Sword... with repeated beatings against this stone or that stone. The Sword is not your Hammer, to shape the world into one better fitting your desires!

Are you all blind? You may all see - now that the Prophet has made it clear - that Allison is evil. But you do not see what it is that drove her to commit evil. So you do not see when your own feet walk down the same path she trod. To her, this very Church was of no more meaning than her current Cult - it was a vehicle for her lust for power. Her personal ambitions. Her pride, her all-consuming inability to see past her own machinations and agendas.

Who here amongst you would have us declare Crusade against someone? Have you thought why? Beyond the justifications - this man or that man is evil, that realm is a threat, etc. Beyond the noble-sounding, yet hollow arguments I have seen so many times. Have you ever considered that just because you desire it, that it may not be worthwhile for all of Sanguis Astroism? Or have you considered it, and with lizard-like cunning merely ignored it, favoring your own desires over any good that the Church has wrought? No, do not answer. I fear to know, in truth, just how many of you are only going through the motions of faith... when the real source of your devotion is yourselves.

Cease your excretions, sinners! Look to your own souls before you begin accusing others! Hold that mirror of pitiless examination to yourselves, and tell me that what you see is pure and benevolent... and listen as your fellows laugh! Everyone is pure in their own eyes, and everyone's enemies must always be devils.  Cease your excretions!

And if you cannot bear so much, then at least do this - refrain from speaking of Crusade as if it is a done or inevitable thing. It is not. The role I bear in my Holy Office is not some mere formality. Only I can declare a Crusade. And until and unless I have done so, one does not exist, so do not vomit up the word like a sickly cur, again and again! Is that... perfectly.... clear?

Going too far? You decide! It was fun to make this rant/sermon though.
Lokenth, Warrior of Arcaea, former Adventurer
Adamir, Lord of Luria Nova


No, it was not too far. I was extremely happy to see that letter.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


QuoteCease your excretions, sinners!

I LOL'ed.

Gustav Kuriga

Quote from: Solari on March 11, 2013, 04:56:28 PM
I LOL'ed.

I can imagine him being a priest in warhammer 40k, who if you get too angry will pull out the oversized chainsaw he used back when he was attached to the Imperial Guard....


Cease your excretions sinners!

Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.

Gustav Kuriga


"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Quote from: Stabbity on March 11, 2013, 05:51:50 PM
Cease your excretions sinners!

Never thought of this one, even though I should have :P
D'Espana Family


So.... is SA going to sanction people to go depose Leopold?


Dunno. He does have, in a sense, a legitimate claim on the throne. He is a member of the faith. And the people who supported him are joining the church. The elders haven't really come to any conclusion yet. I personally doubt there will be any kind of official sanction or effort to put Turin back on the throne.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.



Hireshmont wants to hush the whole thing up and get everybody moving against Asylon.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


I don't think you'll have to push very hard.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Glaumring has always been the sort of fellow who, in the arena of verbal politics, if you give him enough rope he'll hang himself.


...Buy EZ-Dry Anti-Diarrhea Gelcaps!
Lokenth, Warrior of Arcaea, former Adventurer
Adamir, Lord of Luria Nova

Glaumring the Fox

Quote from: Daycryn on March 13, 2013, 04:11:49 AM
Glaumring has always been the sort of fellow who, in the arena of verbal politics, if you give him enough rope he'll hang himself.


...Buy EZ-Dry Anti-Diarrhea Gelcaps!

I've never been very good at lying or manipulating people... :'(

Its just my honest heart and pureness... :-[
We live lives in beautiful lies...