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Favorite Island

Started by Sacha, March 09, 2011, 12:00:54 PM

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Self-explanatory... What is your favorite of the BM continents?

East Continent
Far East


Quote from: dustole on May 17, 2011, 04:53:44 AM
It is very difficult to destroy a religion.  If the players in a religion are dedicated to it, they can keep it going under harsh conditions.

Indeed. But VE moreso than most other religions SA fought before, as VE is well-established in more than one realm and with seeds in others that are far away from SA's sphere of influence.

Then again, I'd consider anyone who'd make their goal to destroy that religious as rather misguided, as religions' powers come foremost from the tie it creates between people, and not the peasant counts and other such game-related mechanics. Even destroying all of the temples, a hard enough task as is, would not yield that many concrete results.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Hredmonath and Torenism weren't exactly easy to destroy.  It took some concentrated effort.   A religion spread out like VE would be a monumental task.

SA really needs to find a religion we can get along with.   Would help our image a lot.   Allison tried once to make friends with VE, but it didn't turn out well.
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)

Glaumring the Fox

How can anyone make peace with Caerwyn VE? I moved right beside them and they have until this day ignored me and never spoken to me... They have the attitude that SA is evil, dont speak to them, they are RL evil...ignore them! RL evil, dont roleplay, dont interact, seal off in our country and try their hardest to imagine how evil SA is and how real evil it is in RL and then because they have done nothing to interact with the outside world except deal with cast-offs and traitors to SA realms, they declare war and say "Oh look how evil SA is! they are attacking us!"  It is truly the weirdest thing I have ever encountered from a group of players in what is supposed to be a roleplay game... Escpecially in BM, where there are no graphics, there is little to do EXCEPT INTERACT WITH PEOPLE...

The funny thing is that one of their VE priests is actually one of Glaumrings best IG friend, and has been dealing with him for ages very civilly.

We live lives in beautiful lies...


Quote from: Glaumring on May 17, 2011, 10:57:20 AM
How can anyone make peace with Caerwyn VE? I moved right beside them and they have until this day ignored me and never spoken to me... They have the attitude that SA is evil, dont speak to them, they are RL evil...ignore them! RL evil, dont roleplay, dont interact, seal off in our country and try their hardest to imagine how evil SA is and how real evil it is in RL and then because they have done nothing to interact with the outside world except deal with cast-offs and traitors to SA realms, they declare war and say "Oh look how evil SA is! they are attacking us!"  It is truly the weirdest thing I have ever encountered from a group of players in what is supposed to be a roleplay game... Escpecially in BM, where there are no graphics, there is little to do EXCEPT INTERACT WITH PEOPLE...

The funny thing is that one of their VE priests is actually one of Glaumrings best IG friend, and has been dealing with him for ages very civilly.

The "don't speak with SA agents about VE" policy is a logical conclusion following what happened to the previous faiths that SA got an "interest" in and "studied". Considering most of the requests about VE by SA priests followed the same pattern, you can't blame us. "Don't feed the troll" logic, I guess. ;)

VE just has nothing to gain by talking with SA, so why would it bother taking the risk?
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron

Obviously it's called being IC about it, lol.

Glaumring the Fox

Because I was not talking to them as a SA agent, I was talking to them as a king and ruler of a nation, and later a free noble and then a lord of the treasury, there was no speak of SA in anything I have asked about certain topics and there has only been constant hostility. I take it this way ---- Its a roleplay game, the best way to develop a character in Bm is to actually interact with people WHETHER you like them or not, that is how you develop your character and interactions between realms, by not interacting you are essentially saying you do not respect my character, you do not respect the out of game self that desires to interact and build a more diverse BM world and you disrespect Bm by treating it like any other platformer by 'playing to crush' ... My stipulation for ignoring a player would not be because he disagrees with my IN GAME ROLEPLAYED LIFESTYLE, but because said player a RUDE PRICK and was OOC constantly rude.

I am merely saying as an old man who has been playing roleplaying games since the early 80's that I find some people on BM to be incapable and frankly not very good at understanding basic roleplay precepts. Could you imagine playing a D&D campaign with some prick who just sits at the table silently while you try to communicate with them? The game wouldn't last long. The only reason it survives as a play style in BM is that I can't reach over the table and punch you in the head.
We live lives in beautiful lies...

It doesn't matter if you were talking about being SA. The fact that you're associated with them means they blacklisted you. Really, has it been that long since McCarthy?

Well, you probably know since you say you've been roleplaying since the 1980s. Anyway, the point is, if it's that bothersome, then leave SA and see if things change. And make it well-known to them. If they persist then, then maybe you'd be justified.

Glaumring the Fox

I wouldn't play that type of game and won't, the blacklist might work in real life, but this isn't and BM is about player interaction, verbal interaction. Which means essentially nothing changes in this make believe world unless people interact, if you ignore players for their roleplay and IG actions you are cutting out segments of that worlds imaginative fabric and merely relying on picking and choosing. Meaning you are not developing a character, you are merely playing a character that doesn't develop and is essentially a rolled up stock character on a piece of paper or some final fantasy game.

My characters are not who they are because of all the lalalala fairy land stuff I wanted to happen to them, they are who they are because of the negative and positive interactions between players. I would advise people in Caerwyn to read more tragedy and learn how to develop characters, because if you look at the way things have gone in their own realm, they essentially cut out the rest of the world and developed out of thin air a vast SA conspiracy that never existed. If Asylon wanted we could just sit there in our own realm with 3 nobles dreaming about how evil Artemesia is and how he hates us and how he so evil IG and in RL and everytime you tried to communicate with us we just ignored you... That would be really fun right? It would enrich the game right? It would develop interaction right?

Artemesia, you don't have to like me OOG or IG, but if you spoke to me in game, I would 100% interact with you no matter what I felt of your IG character. It would be rude not to. And poor roleplay. I have a rather more old fashioned way of looking at BM, all I know is that unless I don't speak up about it no one will because so many of you think its proper normal roleplay and a proper way to act in game.

My main point is, interact with eachother, be polite to the player, but at least come up with some rude retort or action that gives a IG reason why you do not like a certain person, simply ignoring the player with no explanation only breeds a piss poor gaming evironment. And we should not encourage that in BM, we should encourage good roleplay and player interaction.

I can't believe some of you guys actually think its a valid form of play...
We live lives in beautiful lies...


To OOC inform you, the reason why your character was ignored at the start was because the nobles of Caerwyn did not recognise the legitimacy of your rule or position due to takeover. Why should they deign to speak to an upstart rebel? Ever since then there  has been somewhat of a cloud over your character.

Ps, this thread seems to have wondered a bit off track you think?

Glaumring the Fox

Quote from: Bael on May 17, 2011, 01:51:26 PM
To OOC inform you, the reason why your character was ignored at the start was because the nobles of Caerwyn did not recognise the legitimacy of your rule or position due to takeover. Why should they deign to speak to an upstart rebel? Ever since then there  has been somewhat of a cloud over your character.

You took an opportunity for roleplay and essentially flushed it, Who knows how much more fun our two nations would have had if the lines were open to at least develop our love or hatred for eachother, instead you wasted it and created a deadzone, a blank page, a point in the game that could have spiralled off into the vast reaches of imagination and lore and instead you chose inaction and boredom...

And to further eleborate, you are doing yourself a disservice IG by not intercting with your IG enemies. I do not know of any book or movie or T.V show where the characters merely ignore their nemesis. Luke spoke with Darth and Hector spoke with Agememnon the story was better for it. The arc of why and reasoning behind ones hatred could be fun, it could be something that develops different ways of seeing how the game could be played. If you espouse this type of game play you are essentially a !@#$ player. When the Romulans hail you interact with them, because without your enemies, you are essentially just playing with yourself.

P.S: Yes it has wandered just take this stuff and make a new post, plus... I can't think of a better time to start talking when someone is an upstart rebel, WOW color finally, imagine what could be said and done and OMG imagine if you find out that you actually like Glaumring AND IT CHANGED YOUR OPINION OF SA AND OMG world peace and amazing things with unicorns and fairies. Your realm lost a wonderful chance to develop lore and interaction down a new path, you chose banal and boring... I wish it could have been more fun and interesting. Oh well soon your realm will be gone and replaced with a nation that isn't in constant pain with dealing with players outside of their thought control zone.
We live lives in beautiful lies...


It was my pleasure to enlighten you. No, you needn't thank me. I was merely letting you know why it happened.

Glaumring the Fox

The odd thing is you think its a great way to deal with things, you basically created a way for our characters to interact OOG on a [*deleted*] forum instead of having heated debates IC IG and having fun bouncing the big pink bouncy ball of roleplay back and forth, bravo sire!...  :'(

Moderator Moment: Let's keep things civil, and watch the language. There's no use for profanity on the forums. --Indirik
We live lives in beautiful lies...

Gee, we should probably split this to something like "Should we interact with characters even if we seriously hate them for legitimate IC reasons?"


Hark, what's that? Why, it's Glaumring shooting the messenger!

As I courtesy I decided to let you, the player, know what occurred. And from this you automatically assume I engineered it, controlled it and saw it through to the finish. Nice one.


Caerwyn has had their opinion of SA way before SA took /any/ sort of hostile action against anyone. 

Back when Springdale(realm) was bigger than Morek and Astrum was small and Everguard was still around I sent emissaries to Caerwyn.  I gave them lots of free food and tried to interact with them.  I wanted to put a VE shrine in Donhaiwei and an SA shrine in Golden Farrow.  Allison was snubbed. 

That is the root cause of the Caerwyn/SA conflict.  They ignored Allison and she did everything she could to make people hate them. From bribing a lord to build a temple which you then made SA take down.  To seceding so it looked like SA civil war to goad you into attacking Astrum.  (That last one wasn't really intentional just a nice by product)

All because Caerwyn took Allisons 2000 bushels of food and then turned up their noses.
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)