
Self-explanatory... What is your favorite of the BM continents?

East Continent
Far East

Author Topic: Favorite Island  (Read 54581 times)

Glaumring the Fox

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Re: Favorite Island
« Reply #120: May 17, 2011, 01:41:28 PM »
I wouldn't play that type of game and won't, the blacklist might work in real life, but this isn't and BM is about player interaction, verbal interaction. Which means essentially nothing changes in this make believe world unless people interact, if you ignore players for their roleplay and IG actions you are cutting out segments of that worlds imaginative fabric and merely relying on picking and choosing. Meaning you are not developing a character, you are merely playing a character that doesn't develop and is essentially a rolled up stock character on a piece of paper or some final fantasy game.

My characters are not who they are because of all the lalalala fairy land stuff I wanted to happen to them, they are who they are because of the negative and positive interactions between players. I would advise people in Caerwyn to read more tragedy and learn how to develop characters, because if you look at the way things have gone in their own realm, they essentially cut out the rest of the world and developed out of thin air a vast SA conspiracy that never existed. If Asylon wanted we could just sit there in our own realm with 3 nobles dreaming about how evil Artemesia is and how he hates us and how he so evil IG and in RL and everytime you tried to communicate with us we just ignored you... That would be really fun right? It would enrich the game right? It would develop interaction right?

Artemesia, you don't have to like me OOG or IG, but if you spoke to me in game, I would 100% interact with you no matter what I felt of your IG character. It would be rude not to. And poor roleplay. I have a rather more old fashioned way of looking at BM, all I know is that unless I don't speak up about it no one will because so many of you think its proper normal roleplay and a proper way to act in game.

My main point is, interact with eachother, be polite to the player, but at least come up with some rude retort or action that gives a IG reason why you do not like a certain person, simply ignoring the player with no explanation only breeds a piss poor gaming evironment. And we should not encourage that in BM, we should encourage good roleplay and player interaction.

I can't believe some of you guys actually think its a valid form of play...
We live lives in beautiful lies...