
Self-explanatory... What is your favorite of the BM continents?

East Continent
Far East

Author Topic: Favorite Island  (Read 54601 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Favorite Island
« Reply #120: May 17, 2011, 04:21:46 PM »
Caerwyn has had their opinion of SA way before SA took /any/ sort of hostile action against anyone. 

Back when Springdale(realm) was bigger than Morek and Astrum was small and Everguard was still around I sent emissaries to Caerwyn.  I gave them lots of free food and tried to interact with them.  I wanted to put a VE shrine in Donhaiwei and an SA shrine in Golden Farrow.  Allison was snubbed. 

That is the root cause of the Caerwyn/SA conflict.  They ignored Allison and she did everything she could to make people hate them. From bribing a lord to build a temple which you then made SA take down.  To seceding so it looked like SA civil war to goad you into attacking Astrum.  (That last one wasn't really intentional just a nice by product)

All because Caerwyn took Allisons 2000 bushels of food and then turned up their noses.
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)