
Self-explanatory... What is your favorite of the BM continents?

East Continent
Far East

Author Topic: Favorite Island  (Read 54647 times)

Glaumring the Fox

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Re: Favorite Island
« Reply #135: May 17, 2011, 10:33:32 PM »
I did, and even stepped down as king and was legitimately re-elected and even then no reply, and then even stepped down and was a regular noble and still no reply and then as treasurer and still no reply...

Anyways, I guess if this is something you guys support, I should go along with it. I don't understand why its a legitimate form of gameplay, perhaps if they don't want to communicate they can merely send descriptive roleplays involving rooms etc and explaining things through sign language with insects? It could be abstract and without any communication like perhaps some strange kabuki play....

Perhaps the implied form of gameplay is that they desire said person to actually not play the game with them at all, if in BM you are denied a place to form your character and develop in  a social situation and grow, then what is the point? Perhaps it is this attitude that repels so many new players, when they find out that it can become so dreadfully boring and cold, that they can be denied the story, the plot and the only reason for playing BM.

Aye, push buttons, maintain land, make sure enough nobles set up estates to authority, move troops, wait for gold, send out scout scribe note.... Yes, this is BM... One day you can ask Tom to just remove the multiplayer aspect of Bm and create a single player game that does everything except the social part. Then this accepted form of roleplay in a text based game, will be perfect.

We live lives in beautiful lies...