
Self-explanatory... What is your favorite of the BM continents?

East Continent
Far East

Author Topic: Favorite Island  (Read 54632 times)


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Re: Favorite Island
« Reply #135: May 18, 2011, 11:53:57 PM »
Because I was not talking to them as a SA agent, I was talking to them as a king and ruler of a nation, and later a free noble and then a lord of the treasury, there was no speak of SA in anything I have asked about certain topics and there has only been constant hostility. I take it this way ---- Its a roleplay game, the best way to develop a character in Bm is to actually interact with people WHETHER you like them or not, that is how you develop your character and interactions between realms, by not interacting you are essentially saying you do not respect my character, you do not respect the out of game self that desires to interact and build a more diverse BM world and you disrespect Bm by treating it like any other platformer by 'playing to crush' ... My stipulation for ignoring a player would not be because he disagrees with my IN GAME ROLEPLAYED LIFESTYLE, but because said player a RUDE PRICK and was OOC constantly rude.

I am merely saying as an old man who has been playing roleplaying games since the early 80's that I find some people on BM to be incapable and frankly not very good at understanding basic roleplay precepts. Could you imagine playing a D&D campaign with some prick who just sits at the table silently while you try to communicate with them? The game wouldn't last long. The only reason it survives as a play style in BM is that I can't reach over the table and punch you in the head.

But you are associated with SA. So you just sound like a SA infiltrator instead of an SA agent. That, or you are the guy who seemed to want to create a splinter faction of VE. One or the other, or both. I'm not quite sure. In either case, it basically made you a persona non grata.

Characters are not forced to respond to you. Ignoring others, imho, is perfectly legit. Make people want to respond to you, and they will. But if they don't want to, while they don't mind talking to others, then you got yourself to blame for that, indirectly if not directly.

Also, the fact that many didn't know what they planned on doing with you when you took power contributed to them putting off any official stances and responses.


Also, there's nothing poor form with ignoring letters. They are pieces of papers that are brought to you, with no one compelling you to take the time to return the gesture. Had you come to Paisly and RPed knocking on my char's door, then I would have replied to you with RPs of my character's actions. Equally, had you written to me OOC, I would have replied to you. An IC letter though? Depends on the letter, but you start off with worse odds of a replies than most people (I usually reply to 98% of the private letters I don't have any reason to ignore)

Furthermore, it can be politically desirable to be in a grey zone. The world isn't black and white, sometimes you *want* to be neutral with someone. And if discussions would be likely to polarize relations, then it can be strategic to avoid them. That's the logic behind VE not talking about the faith to SA: the grey zone where we ignore each other is the situation that is desired, we neither want to be associated with SA nor do we want to war it (as a religion).

As for Dustole, don't forget that a few key Caerwyn founders came from Springdale. Which got destroyed because it allowed SA to creep into it. Of these Sprindalian families are some of VE's most influential members. After all, when Caerwyn first got founded, it declared itself a child of both Madina and Springdale.

And Glaumring, please. You speak as if there is no distinction between yourself and your character. And why do you assume Caerwyn would have liked your scenario of grand peace between them and SA? I'm sympathetic to Caerwyn, but they very much wanted the war they are in. After all, they are the ones who declared war.

And sure you got re-elected. Point being? They wanted the original settlers in command, those they had agreements with. You, on the other hand, refuse to aknowledge previous treaties, claiming that they never existed. And you are puzzled over Caerwyn's cold attitude?

Finally, for the record, your character did spark many discussions. You just weren't privy to most of them, as these were done behind closed doors. And you probably won't be for a while, either, as no concensus was reached.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2011, 12:28:19 AM by Chénier »
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