
Self-explanatory... What is your favorite of the BM continents?

East Continent
Far East

Author Topic: Favorite Island  (Read 54896 times)


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Re: Favorite Island
« Reply #165: May 08, 2013, 10:59:21 PM »
We can start one with: If we are going to sink one continent, which one would be?

I'd rather see we get more players instead but since that doesn't seem to be happening I guess I'd say Colonies or Atamara.

Colonies because, as the poll also states, it seems to be the least popular continent by far. But, and it is a big but, I don't think sinking the colonies would help the other islands much. There are too few players there and also a different breed of player.

On the other hand, Atamara is not an easy choice at all but it is a large one and with it gone the other continents sure could get a big boost.

Why not Beluaterra? I don't know. Not as big as Atamara these days and I personally like it better. But closing islands always comes down a lot to taste.

Closing i.e Far East has the same problem as closing colonies. I'd say there are too few players there to really make that big difference.
House of Kain: Silas (Swordfell), Epona (Nivemus)