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Favorite Island

Started by Sacha, March 09, 2011, 12:00:54 PM

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Self-explanatory... What is your favorite of the BM continents?

East Continent
Far East

Glaumring the Fox

Quote from: Bael on May 19, 2011, 10:27:10 AM
If this is directed at me, then I see where you were confused. Please note: the name /Bael/ is in no way related to /Baal/, nor does it have any connections to it. It is the shortened form of Baelorack, that I use on an another MMO.

And I am not the player of Baal either, to to be clear ;)

Har har oops! I thought you were Baal of Caerwyn.
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Beluaterra > everything else.

Nowhere else can you find such dynamics, such feuds, such excitement. Make one mistake and your Kingdom may crumble right before your eyes.
And if you manage to survive the invasion, there'll always be some realms who will hold you accountable for what you did to survive. Conflict guaranteed!

Unless you're Nothoi. Two rurals to feed a city (possibly two if they get Dyomoque), and four mountains that are not self sustaining. Also blight on just about all sides.


We got hit so hard... No wars are resuming. None even seem on the horizon. People are licking their wounds, BT doesn't feel the same anymore since that last invasion... :(
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron

As well it shouldn't. At least Melhed seems to be in one of the better positions. Fronen too, assuming that the Blight does anything more significant that be an inconvenient travel barrier.


Quote from: Artemesia on June 05, 2011, 08:29:32 PM
As well it shouldn't. At least Melhed seems to be in one of the better positions. Fronen too, assuming that the Blight does anything more significant that be an inconvenient travel barrier.

It shouldn't feel fun anymore, you mean?

Too many characters died, too few came back, ventures of action are now so limited because of an estate system more adapted to EC's context than BT's.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron

Yeah, well, better than losing the entire continent, no? Or, if it's that unfun, then everyone could just move away, and there, bingo, BT is lost, but due to a completely different reason! And then we can solve estate issues in other continents too! What a win-win, and it was probably entirely unintentional too!

But I have doubts that this "lack of fun" will cause BT to be significantly depopulated.


Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron

I'm saying I think you doth protest too much about the current BT situation.


I voted for EC. It is where I have had the most unforgettable moments, although I am personally a fan of FEI aswell.

I'm currently trying out Dwilight although I am a little skeptic of how big it is. Hard to keep track of all the rulers even since the realms are so many, and will probably become even more with more colonizing.

No matter which island, the fun depends a lot on which realm, which time and whether or not the most talking is done publicly in the realm or just in "the council deluxe" ( the council + dukes + other senior characters).

When I first began playing, my first character ended up in Avamar on EC. It was such a small realm and it was constantly in danger of being crushed which made everyone feel like underdogs and as such it was a very active realm with lots of talk, strategy etc. No wonder I got hooked on Battlemaster, right? ;)

That is among the top funs I've had in bm so far.

I think for me, it is fun if there is lots of activity. If people write a lot of things, then we got something. A spark, potential for change, circulation if you will.

The opposite of fun has been the realms where you come in, your character introduces itself and he/she barely gets a hi. You're lucky if people even post scout reports and the council has looked the same for the last 350 days+. They remain in power almost on Inertia alone; they are not subject to any force and therefore will not move, or speak, or do anything.
In my experience, this happens more often in larger realms than in smaller ones. Realms with 60+ characters are not seldom more quiet than realms with only 20. Perhaps it has something do with the smaller realms having a purpose which feels more important than "trying to keep the large empire together" or that they feel like more than just a number.

One of my characters had ended up in Libero Empire on Dwilight. Granted I wasn't there for long but no one wrote anything for days. Boring as hell. It was time to retire him anyway so I did and started another one, this time in Summerdale. Got awesome response in just the first day.

So the advice we give to newbies still stands. The experience differs A LOT depending on the time and realm, so if one doesn't suit you, try another :) :) :)
House of Kain: Silas (Swordfell), Epona (Nivemus)


Quote from: Kain on June 19, 2011, 01:45:03 AM

I'm currently trying out Dwilight although I am a little skeptic of how big it is. Hard to keep track of all the rulers even since the realms are so many, and will probably become even more with more colonizing.

What do you mean by this exactly?

For me, Dwilight is my favorite island exactly because its so big(among other reasons). You don't really need to keep note of rulers on the other side of the continent. The vastness of the continent and the travel times are so long that its hard to travel anywhere other than your local area. A lone realm on one side could call war against several on the other side and they won't be able to do anything about it.


Quote from: Adriddae on June 19, 2011, 06:14:18 PM
What do you mean by this exactly?

For me, Dwilight is my favorite island exactly because its so big(among other reasons). You don't really need to keep note of rulers on the other side of the continent. The vastness of the continent and the travel times are so long that its hard to travel anywhere other than your local area. A lone realm on one side could call war against several on the other side and they won't be able to do anything about it.

You just cited the reasons I object to it :p I like that on EC and Far East you can keep track of all the rulers, and many of the people.
I like that when i.e Ibladesh (who is far down in the south) declares war against i.e Perdan, it affects all the realms on the island because the whole powerbalance is changed.

Sure this could happen in some cases om Dwilight too but if you are in Sommerdale, you don't really care about Fissoa or Terran.
On EC and FEI, every realm matters.

But we'll see. I might get used to it ;)
House of Kain: Silas (Swordfell), Epona (Nivemus)


Actually, I think that's why SA is perfect for Dwilight. If you are in SA, you do car about far-flung realm, and if you're not in SA, you still have to care about SA.
After all it's a roleplaying game.

Vaylon Kenadell

Quote from: vonGenf on June 19, 2011, 10:10:44 PM
Actually, I think that's why SA is perfect for Dwilight. If you are in SA, you do car about far-flung realm, and if you're not in SA, you still have to care about SA.

I agree. It's analogous to the Crusades. What else could motivate a bunch of soldiers to travel hundreds, even thousands of miles, except for religion?


Quote from: Kain on June 19, 2011, 06:41:51 PM

Sure this could happen in some cases om Dwilight too but if you are in Sommerdale, you don't really care about Fissoa or Terran.
On EC and FEI, every realm matters.

Despite being in Terran, I regularly correspond and interact with people in Summerdale, Morek, LE, and Astrum. I think you underestimate the isolation on Dwilight. Join some guilds and a big religion (VE or SA).

I personally love how Dwilight feels like multiple continents in one continent.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner