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Favorite Island

Started by Sacha, March 09, 2011, 12:00:54 PM

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Self-explanatory... What is your favorite of the BM continents?

East Continent
Far East


Allison left Morek.  All the fun is gone from that realm.    It is all Rank/File/Order now.  No individualism.     :D Astrum is better.   Why not get into Dwilight and experience it the right way.   At the fore front of a crusading army and helping to found the newest realm to Sanguis Astroism in the ruined ashes of Golden Farrow!   

Our odd religion might not be for everyone.  For me it is what makes Dwilight unique.  What happens if we spread across the whole continent?  If religious schisms get coded, SA will be a very different church overnight.  No matter what happens I think Dwilight will remain a great place.
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)


Quote from: dustole on April 28, 2011, 04:59:36 AM
Allison left Morek.  All the fun is gone from that realm.    It is all Rank/File/Order now.  No individualism. 

the perfect war machine  8)


Until there is nothing to fight any more. Then it will tear you realm apart. 
"Men willingly believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar


Quote from: Heq on April 27, 2011, 02:54:11 AM
I'm actually seriously considering a return to Dwilight, as I may not have given it a fair shake as my experiences were in Astrum about a year ago.

Astrum does tend to be very quiet. Back soon after it started, I think there was a group of friends in the realm that tended to stick together, and possibly helped promote each other. And they were all very quiet people. Even being one of the realm founders, and in the "inner circle", it felt like I was a bit on the outside, so far as realm matters went.

Even still, Astrum is very quiet. I sent an OOC to all the lords a couple days ago, asking how we could maybe get people more involved in things, and no one has responded yet. :( I need to find a way to get more people involved.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Well. I did not write anything cuz I couldn't come up with an idea. Sorry :( Maybe I should have at least said 'No Idea' :)

Glaumring the Fox

Quote from: Indirik on April 28, 2011, 07:06:08 PM
Astrum does tend to be very quiet. Back soon after it started, I think there was a group of friends in the realm that tended to stick together, and possibly helped promote each other. And they were all very quiet people. Even being one of the realm founders, and in the "inner circle", it felt like I was a bit on the outside, so far as realm matters went.

Even still, Astrum is very quiet. I sent an OOC to all the lords a couple days ago, asking how we could maybe get people more involved in things, and no one has responded yet. :( I need to find a way to get more people involved.

Sounds terrible, almost like many of the nobles there are in the realm just because its powerful.
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Quote from: Galvez on April 28, 2011, 04:31:28 PM
Until there is nothing to fight any more. Then it will tear you realm apart.

Apparently, there is way more people interested in fighting SA than I thought. We're not running low on enemies right now :p


Haha,  Morek is a war machine.  How many tens of thousands of gold did we invest in our recruitment centers?   The only other realm I have been in that had that many good recruitment centers is Darka.   I know there are a lot of realms I've never been in, but Morek's RC's have to rank pretty high.   
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)


Quote from: Vellos on April 03, 2011, 01:48:34 AM
Is that your perception too?

Sometimes I wonder if it's just my character, but it feels to me like there is always something to do in Maroccidens.

Ain't really mine. Not much happens in D'Hara, and I have great pity for the non-lords who probably get nothing else than daily region reports. Thank god most nobles in the realm are lords, I guess, though that screws with estates and expansion. Lots to do for traders, I guess, but I'm not sure exactly how fun the trader game is. It's all fine by me, though, Dwi was always my "colonies" continent since I rejoined it, but I figure the experience could be rather dreadful for others.
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There are monsters. Otherwise, the southwest is not exactly the most lively in terms of human politics.


Quote from: Artemesia on May 01, 2011, 02:54:36 PM
There are monsters. Otherwise, the southwest is not exactly the most lively in terms of human politics.

There's hardly any in D'Hara. Which is a blessing, as our military isn't really the most fearsome on the continent.

There's a great advantage to having a linear island realm: no foreign region borders us except via our fortified regions, which themselves connect mostly to other fortified regions. Monsters could come from the east more, but they rarely do. Mind you, last time they did, we basically lost everything we had there.
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Not sure in which D'Hara you are, but we have our fair share of Monsters. ;) Sure, it has been relatively peaceful lately, especially as the Monsters get distracted by Barca, but that doesn't mean we hardly have any. Paisland, Maeotis and (Port) Nebel got frequently assaulted in the past. D'Hara is however limited by her Nobles. She can easily handle many more, as we're pretty stretched, which would allow us to expand, and get a stronger army to aid more actively. Plenty to do, we just need the Nobles.

What could be an explanation for the sparse noble population in all realms not named Astrum, Caerwyn, Morek, to an extent, Pian en Luries, Luria Nova, Corsanctum, is the really long realmlist for Dwilight. Look at the realmlist for FEI and Colonies. Look at the realmlist for EC, AT, and BT. Now observe Dwilight. If it looks like Dwilight's realmlist probably exceeds any combination of two other continents' realmlists, that's because it probably does. Granted it probably exceeds the region count of any two other continents' combined region count.

But what that might do to a new player, either to the game or Dwilight, is create a lot of indecision, or hesitation. Which realm to join? There are 16 to choose from. And then if they choose a poor fit they get turned off and leave. It's extremely easy to get frustrated and leave when your tax income barely breaks double digits and monsters keep eating your peasants in some realms.


Quote from: Telrunya on May 01, 2011, 04:45:20 PM
Not sure in which D'Hara you are, but we have our fair share of Monsters. ;) Sure, it has been relatively peaceful lately, especially as the Monsters get distracted by Barca, but that doesn't mean we hardly have any. Paisland, Maeotis and (Port) Nebel got frequently assaulted in the past. D'Hara is however limited by her Nobles. She can easily handle many more, as we're pretty stretched, which would allow us to expand, and get a stronger army to aid more actively. Plenty to do, we just need the Nobles.

It's all relative, I guess. But what I've seen in D'Hara in the last 2 months is nothing compared to what I saw elsewhere on Dwi before that and compared to what others say befall their realm.

The last monsters we had we dealt with relatively quickly, despite what I consider to be a rather inadequate army (in contrast to incompetant). That may be partly my fault, though, for dumping lots of gold on infrastructure and not much for soldiers.
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And your silly temples, unguarded caravans and what not ;D The last batch was with Terran's aid I believe though. For the rest, our Walls are really doing a great job of beating back most waves.