Author Topic: "Fair" aspect of takovers  (Read 10073 times)

Stue (DC)

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Re: "Fair" aspect of takovers
« Reply #15: November 17, 2011, 07:21:36 PM »
He's not a moderator, only a member of the dev team. 

And the only miserable behaviour or lack of manners here has been yours.  You frequently come here not to ask simple, honest questions to clarify the way things work, but to demand that something be changed so that your personal assumptions about the game can be made the truth, and your side in whatever conflict you're currently losing can gain the upper hand.

If you are trying to do something in the game, and it is not working out, the reasonable, polite thing to do is not to come to the forums and claim loudly (and with a total lack of proper capitalization) that everything is bugged, and the game is rigged against you.  It is certainly not to berate the members of the development team when they try to give you polite, reasonable answers.  However, this is what you have done, again and again.

it is miserable from your side that you are trying to endorse his primitive behavior, while at the same time attacking on me for reacting to his primitive behavior.

that is not my language, what anyone can see from my post, but this kind i made exception as the only means of protest for tolerating such attitude.

at the very beginning on this post i asked those who are obsessed with personal attacks to move somewhere else, but again what should be discussion about the game ends with some always the same guys attacking me directly, personally, unrelated to any discussion.

judging people's characters and valuing people, as you are doing is ultimately arrogant and presents lack of common manners. people in discussions confront their opinions, and trying to devalue others personality is the way to prevent any discussion, is the way of violence, verbal or any other.

therefore, i will not response to your judgments by judging you.

naturally, i am really sick of seeing this, rude and aggressive approach of few people is apparently trying to take dominance on this forum by sheer force.

as long as i believe it is tom who owns the game, i will still have some hope for the game itself, but for this forum while situation is like this, any effort is apparent waste of time.