Author Topic: Fifth Invasion  (Read 449881 times)


  • Honourable King
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Re: Fifth Invasion
« Reply #1140: April 03, 2012, 03:02:54 PM »
I'm not super worried yet. The daimons either have to TO the capitals or sit in them indefinitely to keep them locked down, which gives us time to come up with a coordinated counter-offensive to drive them out. Thalmarkin gave them a pretty good beating actually despite technically losing the battle. If they can drive them out over the next few days, they can then refit and come help someone else. Other than Nothoi, every other realm under attack has another city they can move their capital to if need be. Out of curiosity, moving it under these circumstances: Breaking the rule about strategic capital moves? Or do we need to wait until the daimons actually TO them?