Author Topic: Fifth Invasion  (Read 448812 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Fifth Invasion
« Reply #1170: April 05, 2012, 01:40:03 AM »
In short, we've really got our work cut out for us, but I do think it's possible. If these horrors aren't the bottom of the barrel though, I think we are definitely toast. It'll be an all hands effort just to survive the current wave of attacks, if we survive. If we manage to destroy an army of horrors and the commander just heads into the blight and shows up with a whole new army of them a day later then I do not see any way we could possibly win.

Indeed, it isn't impossible to defeat these hoards. Hard. Very very hard. But not impossible.
Another wave however... or any sort of combining of the existing armies, even if it's only 2, would mean the end end of humanity. No realm could stand again that and live, even if they get reinforcements from other realms, who are not being plagued by the 3 or 4 remaining armies...

Either way, I'm really enjoying it. :)

If you factor in militia maybe, but they shouldn't count for a number of reasons. They're not usually all in one place, for one thing. Neither can they move around to respond to daimon incursions. The daimon armies are mobile and concentrated. I would be impressed by any realm that could put 25kCS in one region. Thalmarkin managed 17kCS in their capital for the first battle, and they have probably the biggest mobile army and one of the richer capitals. Do you really think they could have pushed that up by another 8k CS?

After an extensive recruitment and setting up militia phase - all in one turn :P - Thalmarkin actually had 25k CS in it's capital the first battle. And we could've added 8k CS if we hadn't been rallying one of our armies (or both, not sure) in Vore to go out on campaign to Fronen. :P
Or perhaps more, as I would've had more people to handle with, more people, more gold, more hours, perhaps even more recruits... Oh well. :)

Militia cannot be concentrated in one place the way mobile forces can (unless they're all in one region to begin with). Even in the capitals they're almost worse than useless anyway given the daimon ability to charge the walls over and over again; logic dictates you start all your forces in the rear to make sure the melee doesn't happen where the daimons can be thrown off the walls. With militia I'm not sure if this possible to accomplish since they always start in the middle.

Our walls have actually been great for us in Unger. The first round of the first battle, we did 20k hits and took 6k hits.

But well... that's just talk of glorious past... :P Now we're lucky if we can get scratch 12k together, and every two battles the wall falls a level. The first battle even completely destroyed my level 5 walls, Level 4 survived one skirmish and one battle, now I'm at level 3... this isn't looking so great... :P