Author Topic: Fifth Invasion  (Read 448585 times)


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Re: Fifth Invasion
« Reply #210: December 14, 2011, 06:24:06 PM »
You are half correct.

First, two of the characters you have listed are actually the same character: "Adair Acies" and "Dux Ducis". The character's full name was "Adair Acies Dux Ducis". ( So let's call it 26 characters dead.

Of the families you listed 8 of them do indeed still have active characters on BT. Which was part of the point of the invasion: To reduce the population on BT and move it over to other islands. Also, people do tend to move around, and the death of a character is a logical time to select a different island. Not everyone is dedicated to playing on a specific island.

However, "most of them are gone" is incorrect. 18 of them still have active characters. So ~70% of them still play.

Three more of the accounts still exist, but have paused the last of their characters in the past couple months. So I would actually call it 21 of the 26 families survived the invasion, and kept playing. Bringing us up to ~80%.

In reality, since we don't know *when* the rest of them quit, claiming that they quit because they had a non-hero character that died during the invasion just cannot be supported. They may have, but we don't know. It may not even have had anything to do with that character, their realm, or even BT.

But even if we assume that all 5 of them did quit specifically because they had a non-hero character die during the invasion, then that's 5 out of 26. Or less than 20%.

27 dead. 26 families, if you want: one family in the list lost two characters. Damn that long name, though, I'll fix my list.

"Most are gone" from BT. I did not say most had quit the game, though I've had anectdotal evidence of people leaving because of they lost characters or (mostly) because everyone else around them died (because, mostly, I never heard of those who died again).

As for the rest of your numbers, I don't understand them. Please tell me where you got them from and what they represent.

Indeed, though, we can't statistically say how many people quit because of mortality. But there is more than just quitting completely, too, there's non-renewment of characters. I can imagine some players, once their BT char is lost, would not create a new one, and would just wait for their time to end with the other characters, thereby gradually playing less and less characters until they leave completely. I don't have access to all of their family pages (if you can link them easily, please do), but I seem to remember having noticed that with some of these families. After all, if BT dies during this invasion, I myself might keep playing Machiavel for a while, but if something was ever to happen there, I'd probably finish it up then.

It's also impossible to determine why these people did not return to BT. Perhaps they were just waiting for an opportunity to leave. Perhaps they had sworn to themselves "never again".

As for the goal of the invasion, why would you want to move population away from BT? It already had among the lowests (if not THE lowest, if you disregard unclaimed regions) noble density of all continents. If anything, we should have moved some AT and EC people to BT, and not the other way around.
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