Author Topic: Fifth Invasion  (Read 448117 times)

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Re: Fifth Invasion
« Reply #225: December 15, 2011, 12:58:30 PM »
Sounds like adventurer stuff. But probably only one or two adventurers will ever stumble upon a single lead at any one time (That's how things go in the world). And no one adventurer can be the sole "hero".

Hm, I'm right, right? In this game, the reason Invasions are going to work not as well as planned (or at least differently than the ideal way to resolve the plot) is because we have a bunch of egos who think they can be the big hero. This is due to a lot of popular media that shows a single heroic dude as the protagonist. Much less frequently do we see truly equal portrayals of groups of people from different lands and even different times each making a tiny contribution, so small that individually they are forgotten, but which make up a powerful sum. For an interesting example, take Eternal Darkness, minus the girl who is the "hero"... And then you have a history of different individuals who by chance are faced with extraordinary situations, and who make small steps towards the final defeat of the...evil things. Ok, so it's not perfect. Nothing is.

The point is that I believe we as BM players are incapable of really "sacrificing" for the "greater good". And why should we? Some other players, especially certain notorious families whose characters are almost always going to tend towards one direction, would just stick their thumbs on their noses and watch you all flail around while they think they're safe or...doing something better, or whatever the heck is going through their stupid waste of carbon called a brain.

My prediction: Pessimistic. We are far too invested in our "accomplishments" in a freaking game (Like, goddamn, some people take BM a wee bit too seriously). I predict that, much like the 4th Invasion, we will for the most part, fail horribly like little idiots. If not for all the breaks we were pretty much given in the 4th (Mr. Tom guy reduced the daimons' ability to increase their forces and even manually decreased a bunch of them, Mr. Tom gave us the Light and then the Archons) then we would probably have been left in a worse state.

What does that mean for the end of 5th? I think we'll all be left with either a !@#$hole of a continent, or the continent goes down, whichever seems more appropriate. Accompanying all this will be a crapload of morons complaining about bull!@#$ because during the time that they could in fact do even the slightest thing to alter their future, they chose to be dumbasses and do their own !@#$ (It might not always be their fault, but I'm more talking about those !@#$%^&s who figure out some stuff but don't share it. Ok, sure, maybe their characters are intent on destroying humanity for some weird reason, but I can still think their players are !@#$%^&s for that lol. And besides, normal players who figure out stuff aren't bound at all not to share, so it's completely their choice to harm the group. That puts them in douchbaggery village for me.)

Oh, right, and so there will be a bunch of complaining, blah blah, happy loads of pointless cowcrap, with the end result being nothing changes...unless the complaints get really widespread and vocal, in which case the weight of the Invasion gets reduced.

Ah, and finally: You are free to prove me wrong. I very much doubt it.