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Fifth Invasion

Started by Lefanis, December 02, 2011, 02:43:06 PM

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funny. nothing is mentioned realmwide about religion.


Hvrek is most definitely fueling the fire, and has done so quite well.  He has managed to use it in concert with the fact that Chenier wanted to take Enweil for immunity from Overlord, and that he wants to have jurisdiction over Enweilian religion.  When he started crying out and also declaring that Enweil and IVF were both Enweil realms, and THEN lowered relations because of the priests, it was like bells to the ears.  IVF threatens war, and then claims to more or less be the new Enweil.  With Enweil not able to do anything, they pretty much have to join one realm or the other to contribute.  If Hvrek successfully says the hell with some Enweilians who can't be trustsed, let's finish the war, then the daimons move away so he can war Enweil.  With the Daimons having moved away, Enweil has started a TO of Lopa, a region which Riombara is coming to get back.  Riombara actively warring Enweil over land = daimons stay away.  IVF is no match at all for Riombara, and with the new TO system, Riombara can indefinitely keep the daimons away by sustaining an unending TO while Overlord has done the same by blighting their city.  Basically, it's a nice stalemate situation unless the rest of Riombara throws Hvrek off, or Overlord makes good on the destroy Enweil promise AFTER the duke of Enweilieos drives the city rogue.


On the communication thing.. I sent a message to the guild linking the Northern realms yesterday saying that the Grehkian Legion was in pursuit of Darkest Hour of the Night across the mountains. I also put in it that if he kept moving, he would possibly assault Reeds in 3-4 turns. I asked, as VM of the Legion, whether a defensive force was in place ready to receive them.

What was the reply?

You guessed it. Nothing.

You think the South is buggered? Looks like the North is too.


I've tried asking around IC if there was an info sharing guild and was told there was none.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


It's the Draconic Union guild. That's the one that's used by Sint, Thelmarkin, OG and Nothoi for co-ordination. But generally it's restricted to say, the four core positions of each realm plus army marshals and VMs.


I've tried to get some info sharing through there as well. Like I request a battle report or sometimes a scout report and provide them when I have them myself. And sometimes someone else says something, but it really isn't being used to it's full potential.

I tried to get advies in there as well to allow them to communicate and get us more books but that kinda flopped. Mostly because I didn't really take matters in my own hands to coordinate them or to really push everyone to join...

Anyway, the pre-invasion existence of this guild, established in 4 realms, really is a blessing for the North and I'd love to see it used more. It's kind of disheartening though that it doesn't even get recognized as a possible communication guild in sint.


Melhed would happily join in such a guild should we know about it. We need a way to let Marshals make informed decisions without the delay that occurs when information pass over the General first.

Right now the Imperator order the army directly to speed things up, and this is not the optimal situation.
EC: Ilias, Taelmoth (Sirion)
Beluaterra: Ivagil (Melhed), Thoron (Adventurer, Fronen)
Atamara: Haniel (Adventurer, Coria)


Quote from: Ravier on February 18, 2012, 04:54:52 PMIt's the Draconic Union guild. That's the one that's used by Sint, Thelmarkin, OG and Nothoi for co-ordination. But generally it's restricted to say, the four core positions of each realm plus army marshals and VMs.
I'm in Sint.

I check every Sint region I walk through for guildhouses.

I've been a Marshal in Sint for several weeks.

I just got elected General.

I've never heard of it.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


I never heard about it either.

But then again, I was just elected general against my own expectations.
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


Quote from: Indirik on February 19, 2012, 02:26:13 AM
I'm in Sint.

I check every Sint region I walk through for guildhouses.

I've been a Marshal in Sint for several weeks.

I just got elected General.

I've never heard of it.

I've heard of it, and I'm in Fheuv'n. Mind you, probably just because I caught a lucky message reffering to it so many months back.

As for the blight, perhaps I wasn't paying close enough attention, but I still haven't "figured it out", unless it's something obvious like "takeovers allow blight", which isn't very useful. If those who knew such things would share their observations, perhaps BT wouldn't be screwed.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Quote from: Indirik on February 19, 2012, 02:26:13 AM
I'm in Sint.

I check every Sint region I walk through for guildhouses.

I've been a Marshal in Sint for several weeks.

I just got elected General.

I've never heard of it.

Hmm.  Just checked where Askarn said the guildhouses were - Ossmat, Gethsemene and Orde. So there should be one in Gethsemene as far as I'm aware.


If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


QuoteThe true face of Riombarans:

The forces from Enweil brace as they prepare to defend their ongoing takeover.
The region owner Netherworld and their allies attack the takeover forces.
The confederates from Imperskoe Viys'ko iz Fheuv'na join the defense.
Royal Riombaran Raiders have attack orders.
The Riombara units join in to support their realm-mates.

I wasn't expecting that one. I never got any notices of Rio and Enweil lowering relations...

Now, if THAT isn't trying to kill us all, I don't know what is.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Quote from: Chénier on February 19, 2012, 07:31:50 PM
The true face of Riombarans:

The forces from Enweil brace as they prepare to defend their ongoing takeover.
The region owner Netherworld and their allies attack the takeover forces.
The confederates from Imperskoe Viys'ko iz Fheuv'na join the defense.
Royal Riombaran Raiders have attack orders.
The Riombara units join in to support their realm-mates.

I wasn't expecting that one. I never got any notices of Rio and Enweil lowering relations...

Now, if THAT isn't trying to kill us all, I don't know what is.

Oooooooops. ::)
Looks like it's my unit that caused all this mess...  ;D


Quote from: Lorgan on February 19, 2012, 08:47:36 PM
I wasn't expecting that one. I never got any notices of Rio and Enweil lowering relations...

Now, if THAT isn't trying to kill us all, I don't know what is.

Oooooooops. ::)
Looks like it's my unit that caused all this mess...  ;D

Who lowered relations between Enweil and Rio? I did with Fheuv'n, but I wasn't aware the alliance between those two had dissolved.

The ruler is to blame, not whatever unit was set to aggressive.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron