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Fifth Invasion

Started by Lefanis, December 02, 2011, 02:43:06 PM

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Quote from: Tom on January 23, 2012, 10:45:32 AMI know that at least one person in the game still thinks that Darkest Hour of the North is in prison. He's been out for days.
Huh... When his 120+ daimon unit disappeared from Firbalt, I figured standard game mechanics meant he was dead. Unless he returned to his unit, disbanded them, and then walked away unnoticed.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.

Okay, so ICly I plan to have my character fully ignorant to all this hoo hah on BT. Thusfar he's kept his head down and hunted little monsters and zombies, having never even seen a daimon before. I intend to keep it this way all the way until the 5th Inv ends, in which case Larry scratches his head and goes "Huh? What happen?"

But OOCly I got no qualms about going on about crazy !@#$ I think of randomly. Apparently the one after Midnight is Darkest Hour. Huh, well, I guess Breaking Dawn But close enough. I'd say keep up the...good work(?) and try to kill as many of those as you can. At some point the "darkness of the cardinal directions" will exhaust and that something about the darkness in that cardinal direction or something. Possibly after Darkest Hour there is no more from that cardinal direction, thus reducing significantly the daimons' forces.

Kill the Sons. Goddamn like seriously. Kill those stupid priests. How hard is it anyway? Sure they have that rumored time drain, but Tom can't stay logged in forever. Or maybe he can, but no matter how active, if a single player gets outnumbered, then much like in real life, no matter how good, he's still toast. Metagaming? Nah, it's a legit countermeasure to a rumored ability the character has. Surround and blindside has always been a sound strategy when you have numbers against an individually superior foe.

In short, I think it'll really boil down to whether you can narrow the field to where Overlord must stand alone. A general without an army, anyone? Sure he'll still have some daimons, but even then, it's ONE single unit of daimons. Furthermore, there's probably no such "cheat mode" where Overlord can summon infinite daimons. And it'll probably be really damn hard to get Overlord alone. Heck, I reckon we'll more likely lose before we even get to Darkest Hour of the last cardinal direction. But whatever, keep running forward screaming like a monkey swinging the arms. It works for Ash Ketchum and look what he's achieved: Top 16 Kanto, Orange League champion, Top 8 Johto, Top 8 Hoeen, Kanto Frontier Brain, Top 4 Sinnoh.


Quote from: Tom on January 23, 2012, 10:45:32 AM
And I can't believe 1st Son could get out of prison by paying his ransom today. I was so sure he'd be banned or executed this time. I can't believe that all three sons are still alive. When I launched the invasion, and you had asked me how many sons had been killed by the end of January, I'd have guessed at least two, probably all three. I mean, that guy is personally responsible for the blighting of Villriil, and you don't have standing orders in all realms to arrest him on sight? I'm totally flabbergasted. Ok, that just had to get out. I feel better now. :-)

Actually, there's a story to that one, at least in Melhed. When they first showed up, we tried to arrest 3rd Son at least a dozen times, and it kept coming up with him as wounded/non-arrestable.

As to the lesser Daimons, I kinda figured after Darkest Hour we'd probably get False Dawn and then that'd be the end of them.

Also, I know I've repeatedly asked rulers for any information regarding the Daimons, so we can work this out, and they all just shrug it off and ignore it.

As to how we can Blight a region, I don't think anyone is really sure after the portal stone incident, because originally they sealed portals.
"The first requisite for success is to develop the ability to focus and apply your mental and physical energies to the problem at hand [...]" - Thomas Edison


Quote from: Tom on January 23, 2012, 10:45:32 AM
And I can't believe 1st Son could get out of prison by paying his ransom today. I was so sure he'd be banned or executed this time. I can't believe that all three sons are still alive. When I launched the invasion, and you had asked me how many sons had been killed by the end of January, I'd have guessed at least two, probably all three. I mean, that guy is personally responsible for the blighting of Villriil, and you don't have standing orders in all realms to arrest him on sight? I'm totally flabbergasted. Ok, that just had to get out. I feel better now. :-)

You can usually buy your way out of prison the same turn that you can get banned as far as I know. (or else I've been in plenty of prisons with very lazy judges)
And... can you even ban a priest after you've arrested him? Doesn't he need to commit a crime or something? No execution without a ban anyway.
Or are there different rules for the daimon priests?

Er...last I checked "daimon worshippers" can be executed immediately. It happened back in 4th, remember?


Quote from: Artemesia on January 23, 2012, 12:49:24 PM
Sure they have that rumored time drain, but Tom can't stay logged in forever.

It's got nothing to do with logging in. That thing is available to players in the form of magic scrolls. It's just not very common knowledge because scrolls are so rare that few people know much about which scrolls even exist.


Quote from: Calanar on January 23, 2012, 12:57:37 PM
Actually, there's a story to that one, at least in Melhed. When they first showed up, we tried to arrest 3rd Son at least a dozen times, and it kept coming up with him as wounded/non-arrestable.

Yes, that's just normal priest code. When I get wounded preaching, you can not arrest me. I gain hours very, very slowly, but once I'm back to lightly wounded, I can preach again. Possibly being wounded again. As long as I can stay wounded, I'm safe from arrest.

Yes, I think that particular code should be changed. I think priests should be safe from arrest if wounded until they do something. But we don't currently have a good flag to store that info.

But it's not a Daimon special. In fact, the sons aren't even Daimon characters or anything, they are regular Priest characters. With one except anything they do, a normal priest could do as well.


God the generals are so quiet right now. Only insults between Tom and Selis are flying at the moment. Sassan was doing a great job keep people busy. I am too lazy to organize people to do something.

P.S Thanks for kicking me out of the church Tom.


Tomorrow the Generals will be chatty again ;D


Playing with the food system in the midst of an invasion threatening to engulf Beluterra.

Starvation   (4 hours, 19 minutes ago)
personal message
There is starvation in Reeds, and your men can't find anything to eat. 5 men fall ill from lack of food.

Duchy Report for Reeds   (4 hours, 16 minutes ago)
message to the duke and nobles of Reeds


Due to the ongoing starvation, all commercial activities have ceased. Production is effectively at zero. Morale drops through the floor and loyalty to your realm is non-existent. If there hasn't been a rebellion yet, it is only because the people are too hungry. 1083 peasants have starved to death today.

This kind of situations would be bad enough, on a normal day, now add a few roving daimon hordes a few days march away. And if I'm not wrong, we warriors ain't half-immortals no more. Looks like we're all pretty !@#$ed, especially when I don't think daimons will get ill when they are not feeding, even if they did, there's nothing like another two hundred more daimons magically appearing during the witching hour.


Quote from: Zakilevo on January 24, 2012, 01:24:05 AM
God the generals are so quiet right now. Only insults between Tom and Selis are flying at the moment.

Ever thought that Overlord doesn't get chatty by accident? I've dropped five metric tons of clues that the guy is living and breathing military strategy. :)

Quote from: Archbane on January 24, 2012, 10:39:11 AM
Playing with the food system in the midst of an invasion threatening to engulf Beluterra.

Are you kidding me? Cities have been made smaller with less food requirements. The only reason they hadn't been starving for days is that the food consumption part was broken for a few days. With the old system, Reeds would be very much down the drain by now. The new system will in general be much nicer on you, with people moving out of the starving region, and so on.

Quote from: Archbane on January 24, 2012, 10:39:11 AM
there's nothing like another two hundred more daimons magically appearing during the witching hour.

No such thing happened. I get really angry when people mix facts with fiction and turn it into thinly veiled accusations. On bad days, I call that whining. Please don't do it. If you have something to say, say it nicely, with the facts clearly stated and the fiction left out.


And, to add some facts, according to the database, Reeds hasn't been properly fed for about two weeks. If you want to complain, first show me that that is an error.


um.. i think food is now consumed but not produced...

not certain about the consumed bit.. but fairly sure about the not produced bit. incidentally.. when the harvest works.. is it going to give food grown during the last harvest period (not counting the bit when clock stopped) or is it just going to give 1 day?


Quote from: fodder on January 24, 2012, 12:36:01 PM
um.. i think food is now consumed but not produced...

not certain about the consumed bit.. but fairly sure about the not produced bit. incidentally.. when the harvest works.. is it going to give food grown during the last harvest period (not counting the bit when clock stopped) or is it just going to give 1 day?

What island did you think food wasn't produced on? There was a turn problem with Dwilight that might have stopped the harvests.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


Quote from: Tom on January 24, 2012, 10:59:47 AM
And, to add some facts, according to the database, Reeds hasn't been properly fed for about two weeks. If you want to complain, first show me that that is an error.

We just changed  bankers, now I'm getting a used to the banker system, hopefully the lords will follow my requests and send the food out.
Stryfe Family: Tristan - Heorot/ Scherzer - Nothoi / Finan - Caelum / Arya - Farronite Republic