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Fifth Invasion

Started by Lefanis, December 02, 2011, 02:43:06 PM

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Draco Tanos

Beyond the Blight mentions amulets from wizards/sages that allow people to walk through the Blight.


That was in the messages that went to the realms too, and I made sure to look around Lastfell for a good amount of time, and had adventurers look around too, but nothing happened. Adventurers aren't exactly helping much more than with Unique Items, and those let us fight a little more on par with the Daimons...

This was the first I've heard of the Sint thing, but most of the other stuff I knew. Soren's drawn the conclusion that there needs to be a Daimon worshiping presence in the regions for the Blight to take hold, and/or the regions need to be connected to the Blight, so for the time being Old Grehk and Melhed are safest if that's the case.

Sint hasn't said anything about the priests though the reports speak for themselves given how many were executed. And the Pontifex is about to auto-pause if I'm not mistaken... I tried baiting Overlord for a hint about the south, but I think Tom/Overlord is sick of Soren's attitude. :P
"The first requisite for success is to develop the ability to focus and apply your mental and physical energies to the problem at hand [...]" - Thomas Edison


Quote from: Tom on February 14, 2012, 10:03:10 PM
I honestly think there are too many people in charge who suck at large-scale coordination. I have been saying for years that I hate micro-managers and that BM isn't a game for them. And yet, I see in many realms in the invasion that crucial information is kept within some realm council or whatever.

If you make all information go through a few chokepoints, then of course you will burn them out.

Guilds and religions, which can provide easy communication between realms, are almost entirely absent from the invasion, except for a few priests worrying that I'm converting all their believers.

There's a guild for unique item exchanges or something, but none for information exchange.

If information were sent on all the government channels - ruler, general, judge and banker - then there would be four and not one person who could distribute it within the realm.

Some people do a great job. I see some not copy/pasting, but summing up. Doesn't take much time, as you've read things already and writing two sentences is probably faster than copy/pasting several messages.

And there's a part I can't reveal, yet.

There will always be a choke-point for the information:  The person who gets it. Exactly one person from each realm (though for a couple realms right now it's none) gets the message when Overlord says anything in one of the continent-wide channels. RP events can hit more people, but not necessarily a lot more. The level of activity you're talking about to guarantee that that information gets spread around is the kind of activity you need out of a General or Marshal, and they have to be among the most active people in their realm if they want to be good at their jobs. It is no coincidence that the initial coordination was mainly driven through the Generals' channel; Rulers can afford to be sporadically active and often are. Generals can't be and are therefore usually highly active, engaged players.

I do think that the lack of a guild to share information in is a bad thing, but I'm not the one to solve that problem. I just don't have the time (or desire) right now to devote to BM to coordinate things on that scale. I make time to get deeply involved in the game when something that interests me is going on, but I don't have time anymore to do it all the time. I have to pick and choose, and so I focus on the characters and events that are interesting from week to week while the rest of my characters get the once-a-turn login, scan messages and respond to orders schtick. The Invasion itself just hasn't grabbed my interest. Frankly the aspect of the Invasion that's pulled me the in the most has been the conflict with Old Grehk over Wudenkin and the opportunity to try to maneuver Fronen into a better political position post-Invasion (if there is a post-Invasion). I've spent time and energy on that, but sifting through messages and pondering events, not to mention actively gathering additional information, and putting effort into it every day or few days, all so that I can try to puzzle out how to stop the daimons just doesn't really do it for me. I love the effects that the Invasions have, as I believe that they prevent BT from politically stagnating the way some other islands do, but I have to admit I've never really felt very engaged by them when they're in progress. Maybe that's part of the problem right now. Seems like there's a lot of apathy at the moment.


Enweil shared letters with everyone in the realm during the invasion.

People didn't really say much about issues. Many people may read letters and move according to orders but they don't reply or suggest ideas too often.


I wonder how letters get sent across the blight.
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


birds of course. they bypass the blight. Just gotta fly higher than clouds.


Boats as well. Presumably the blight only goes out so far past the coastline.


No, it's easy how the message get across the blight...

... cell towers are not affected by really thick dark fog.
Like my programming? Become my patron!


I forgot BM is a high tech game...


Quote from: Geronus on February 15, 2012, 02:18:17 AM
There will always be a choke-point for the information:  The person who gets it. Exactly one person from each realm (though for a couple realms right now it's none) gets the message when Overlord says anything in one of the continent-wide channels.

That's on the order of one message per day. Sometimes two, sometimes none. Nobody can tell me that copy/pasting one message a day is too much hassle.


... I never noticed a Soulforge Shield before.
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell

Draco Tanos

Nor did I.  Thinking Tom's killed enough NPCs/blighted enough regions to get a new toy.


Quote from: Tom on February 14, 2012, 10:03:10 PM
I keep saying that you are looking for the wrong things. It doesn't help looking for the cat food if you really need the car keys.

It seems to me everyone believes there is some deus ex machina - some puzzle to solve, and as soon as you've figured it out, you have won. And I have been consistently saying since the beginning that it doesn't work this way.

I will say it again: There is NOTHING that will make the invaders go *poof*. There is no magic wand to solve your problem.

There is, however, a theme to every invasion. And if you figure out the theme, it helps you figure out what to do. But you still have to do it. Just knowing doesn't help.

And that's all I will say because that's already too close to spoilers for comfort.

I'm not saying we are looking for something that will make the invaders go *poof*.

But now, we are facing a Blight that take regions away, and we can't do nothing about it. We have two majors characteristics on BM - 1- Politics and 2 - War. None of them, have anything related to big magic events or blighted regions.

I agree with some that the invasions make things fun and give a little change in things, but  there is not much we can do to act against it, just fight, kill the daimons, execute the priests and sons.

If that's not enough, then we need to know what will help. No need to spoiler everything and give us a magic wand to make the invaders go *poof*. But clearly, and as you are pointing out constantly here on the forum that we are not getting it,  any hint or clue you are giving are not working . So, maybe it is time for change a few things.

After all, I don't want (or have ways since I have important bills and things to pay) to pay for a book to understand "ok, this is what is happening, oh so that's how it work".
Stryfe Family: Tristan - Heorot/ Scherzer - Nothoi / Finan - Caelum / Arya - Farronite Republic


If this invasion has a theme it is despair. Overlord seems to enjoy telling us all its hopeless and mocking humanity. Its reinforced by how Overlord sets up who he attacks next. Its a bizarre strategy picking the next realm to attack based on who responds last or injuries a Daimon troopleader. I believe its to reinforce that Overlord doesn't consider us a threat to his plans.


Quote from: Naidraug on February 15, 2012, 12:57:53 PM
I'm not saying we are looking for something that will make the invaders go *poof*.

But now, we are facing a Blight that take regions away, and we can't do nothing about it. We have two majors characteristics on BM - 1- Politics and 2 - War. None of them, have anything related to big magic events or blighted regions.

I agree with some that the invasions make things fun and give a little change in things, but  there is not much we can do to act against it, just fight, kill the daimons, execute the priests and sons.

If that's not enough, then we need to know what will help. No need to spoiler everything and give us a magic wand to make the invaders go *poof*. But clearly, and as you are pointing out constantly here on the forum that we are not getting it,  any hint or clue you are giving are not working . So, maybe it is time for change a few things.

After all, I don't want (or have ways since I have important bills and things to pay) to pay for a book to understand "ok, this is what is happening, oh so that's how it work".

The book doesn't provide that sort of info. This has been said numerous times.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.