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Fifth Invasion

Started by Lefanis, December 02, 2011, 02:43:06 PM

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So what was stopping nobles from the north from crossing the blight without troops and then joining up with a southern realm? Boosting the number of troop leaders in the southern realms could have made a significant difference since the Overlord more or less broadcasted his target.

I thought the blight just caused your troops to scatter?

Can Advies enter the blight unharmed? Can priests?

Is the theme that we have to cast aside all our differences and affiliations to unite against a common foe? IVF has pretty much done the opposite, much to my own dismay. New religion, old grievances, useless grudges, etc.


What did you expect from IVF, really? :P

The Blight forces you to turn around, you can't travel through it. At least, for as far as I know. ;) A Riombaran Priest tried to travel through a Blighted region in the beginning of the Invasion and was also forced to turn back. Adventurers couldn't travel through the blight either, at least during the Fourth Invasion. Though there certainly have been reports of NPCs living in the Blight (The RP events).


To be fair, Hvrek isn't exactly going out of his way to defuse the situation down there. In fact he can fairly accurately be said to be throwing fuel on the fire. I have a somewhat unique perspective having a character who is a Ruler and another on Riombara's council. I doubt anyone in Riombara realizes the extent to which he is aggressively antagonizing IVF. Not that IVF is by any means reasonable, but there's no reason things have to be coming to blows the way they are. Someone interested in keeping the peace would probably easily have been able to do so without even making any concessions.


From the few things I saw, yeah, I suspected that Hvrek wasn't exactly helping the situation :P


Quote from: Calanar on February 15, 2012, 07:20:20 PM
Maybe there is a limit, they all just have different tactics, kind of like the Nightfalls etc...

1, 2, and 3 were priests. Maybe 4, 5, and 6 are infiltrators. That might mean that 7, 8, and 9 are heroes or something. If we execute too many sons we could be overwhelmed with Daimon armies if we don't get rid of the Nightfalls...

5th Son is definitely an infiltrator. I have two of the Sons in prison right now, if they don't escape I suppose we'll see new ones appear. Still, better than letting them run loose and use their magic.


First Enweilios blighted and then the 4th son executed while the city is already blighted. Epic :p

one son killed and the other two in prison. i wonder if we kill them all in the same whether they would be able to come back  :-\
Gregorian (Eponllyn), Baudouin (Cathay), Thaddeus (Cathay), Leopold (Niselur)


Quote from: Tom on February 14, 2012, 09:28:39 AM
If you'd followed the lore, you would know they are fleeing the Blight - and your realm is surrounded by blighted regions, so it's little surprise you get a lot.

Well, honestly, I was getting just as many monsters and undead before the invasion, though I guess the lands were blighted then too. I suspected, however (and still do), that it has more to do with our extremely low adventurer count. We tried enslaving foreign adventurers when we went to war, but unfortunately we didn't get many opportunities and didn't find many.

And most of the time, it was the undead plaguing us, not the monsters, though I don't know if that changes anything.

Quote from: Solari on February 14, 2012, 05:57:41 PM
Much credit goes to Sassan of Rio for sustaining this momentum, but it's exhausting.  The game doesn't encourage realms to cooperate like this.  Just the opposite, actually.  When the Overlord shows up and starts mocking us for working against years of training that's taught us not to trust one another and then deliberately introduces additional mistrust by baiting Chénier and others, it can get maddening. 

Guillaume could have very easily done a lot of things to screw up human efforts and aid the daimons. Allying the daimons, for one. Refusing to take a hit to allow the grand coalition of realms is another. Use daimons as a diversion to continue attacks. Etc, etc.

Instead, he strongly pushed for peace early on, did everything he could to fight the daimons (though with a !@#$ty economy and the resulting poor army in conjunction with constant rogue spawns, the contributions were indeed limited), shares every little bit he gets (which is pretty much nothing, as he's dealing with rogues more than with daimons). The North doesn't trust him because they don't want to. He expects him to have forgiven everyone, as if it was necessary for cooperation, and to accept everything they do as being right and justified. He's done nothing but help the cause, and yet was criticized for doing something Rio also did without any voices being raised against them.

Guillaume isn't stirring any mistrust, he just won't accept to forgive the people that continue acting as reprehensibly as ever. The North doesn't share not because they mistrust us, but because they want us to die first, and hope to emerge as the sole survivors of the invasion. It's a typical scheme that has been seen in the last two invasions, in which the best thing to do was always to divert the brunt of the invasion elsewhere as invasions were on a timer anyways.

As if telling us how to defeat daimons would make us hinder them less...

Quote from: Tom on February 14, 2012, 10:03:10 PM
There's a guild for unique item exchanges or something, but none for information exchange.

With the North and South split, it's a little late to start a guild...

Quote from: Tom on February 15, 2012, 05:29:03 PM
OOC, all I am really willing to say is that all information you need is in players' hands already. Your main weakness is that people don't share much. And I don't mean that as in copy&paste everything to everyone, but really major events. Sint priests is a great example - that was an entirely new vector, and they didn't tell anyone about it for days.

I asked their ruler about all these executions, and never got a reply. A good amount of time later, another ruler shared a letter from a judge or something that somewhat explained it... Sint, imo, is the realm sharing the least.

I *did* tell everyone for years that Sint will be our undoing.

Quote from: Darksun on February 15, 2012, 09:31:09 PM
Is the theme that we have to cast aside all our differences and affiliations to unite against a common foe? IVF has pretty much done the opposite, much to my own dismay. New religion, old grievances, useless grudges, etc.

If Riombara's ruler tells his followers, very present in Fheuv'n, to stir up against their lords and to attack Fheuv'n's new official religion's priests, that's all good and games, right? That's a good way of uniting against the invaders, right? But if Guillaume protests, oh, that meanie! Why won't he just shut up, right?

With all these daimon priests in Sint, do you think I want to leave the religion our serfs in the hands of those that have never done anything else than try to kill us every chance they get?

What Guillaume asked was extremely reasonable: Tell your followers to ignore us, and you'll never feel any repercussions of our religion having been created as we won't come to preach in your lands. He then also extended that condition to Enweil, saying that Rio priests should have the permission from Enweil before preaching there. Which is usually the law in 99% of the game's realms: no foreigners may preach without permission. But no, Rio's ruler insists he has the right to preach wherever, and to tell them to sabotage our realm whenever.

What displeases some is that Guillaume won't let himself be a pushover for this. Why should he? He considers his realm doomed anyways, and he knows that the realms least hit by the invasion would have ganged up on him after the invasion regardless of what he said or did. Why shouldn't he fight for his honor and for what he deems is right? What's the point of kissing ass when you have nothing worth surviving for?
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Quote from: Chénier on February 17, 2012, 04:55:54 AMI asked their ruler about all these executions, and never got a reply. A good amount of time later, another ruler shared a letter from a judge or something that somewhat explained it... Sint, imo, is the realm sharing the least.
Sint's ruler has been almost completely inactive for quite some time. Since I've been there we've gotten two separate inactivity warnings, and she finally auto-abdicated. Benton was been elected yesterday I think, and seems to be doing much better already. I'm hoping for much better results now.

Also, someone asked my character to run for general of Sint, so I tossed me hat in the ring. Last I looked, I was the only one running. :P
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on February 17, 2012, 05:05:16 AM
Sint's ruler has been almost completely inactive for quite some time. Since I've been there we've gotten two separate inactivity warnings, and she finally auto-abdicated. Benton was been elected yesterday I think, and seems to be doing much better already. I'm hoping for much better results now.

Also, someone asked my character to run for general of Sint, so I tossed me hat in the ring. Last I looked, I was the only one running. :P

Yea, but they RE-ELECTED the guy more than once, didn't they? Caitlin never shared anything, and I'm pretty sure he/she got re-elected a good number of times.

Sometimes, the players of the realm ARE to blame for their own troubles...
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


I've got my council sharing anything they hear, and I tell them to pass on my messages. Anything I get from them I've been forwarding to the rulers' channel now.
"The first requisite for success is to develop the ability to focus and apply your mental and physical energies to the problem at hand [...]" - Thomas Edison


Quote from: Chénier on February 17, 2012, 05:22:40 AM
Yea, but they RE-ELECTED the guy more than once, didn't they? Caitlin never shared anything, and I'm pretty sure he/she got re-elected a good number of times.

Sometimes, the players of the realm ARE to blame for their own troubles...

Yes, yes they are.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.



Starting "The Way" would have been a great idea after the invasion. I think it was incredibly useless to do this during the invasion. That is all. My perspective. The rest of the actions that both Rio and IVF have taken around religion have their root in the fact that "The Way" was founded, period. It's been quite a distraction to our ultimate goal of surviving the Daimon onslaught from this player's point of view.


Quote from: Darksun on February 17, 2012, 01:34:46 PM

Starting "The Way" would have been a great idea after the invasion. I think it was incredibly useless to do this during the invasion. That is all. My perspective. The rest of the actions that both Rio and IVF have taken around religion have their root in the fact that "The Way" was founded, period. It's been quite a distraction to our ultimate goal of surviving the Daimon onslaught from this player's point of view.

You are entitled to your opinion.

However, do consider that we've been trying to found it for a while. Bugs prevented us. Then, consider that daimon worship poses a serious threat. You might be afraid of the big armies, but what are you going to do against the flocks of priests of 80% of your regions follow daimon worship? Lastly, consider that Alluran considered our old faiths, notably Ereticism, evil as well, so we'd be beaten in our own regions by the allurites when trying to convert the daimon worshippers anyways.

We had no priests in our realm, and Enweil's priests had plenty to worry about in their own. With Enweil dead, the hope is to convert the Ereticism priests to The Way.

Oh, and Guillaume just got another serious wound while preaching in core Fheuv'n regions by Allurites. Expect repercussions.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Quote from: Chénier on February 17, 2012, 05:22:40 AMYea, but they RE-ELECTED the guy more than once, didn't they?
Not since I've been in Sint. Which, to be fair, has only been six weeks. We have had inactivity warnings, but she always came back before being booted from office. Now she has been, and someone else has been elected. I obviously don't know what happened before I got there.

QuoteSometimes, the players of the realm ARE to blame for their own troubles...
I quite agree.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Chénier on February 17, 2012, 01:48:02 PM
You might be afraid of the big armies, but what are you going to do against the flocks of priests of 80% of your regions follow daimon worship?

I don't think it really matters at this point. The south is in it's death throes and instead of working together in mutual defence for the hope that we can weaken the enemy to give our fellow humans (in the North) a chance we've decided to squabble over these minor issues, hastening our own demise.