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Fifth Invasion

Started by Lefanis, December 02, 2011, 02:43:06 PM

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Send a message to:


to - all / some fellow Rulers
to - all human rulers


to - Your liege, Overlord
to - all / some nobles of Grehk
to - Your Duke, Sir Sassan d'Serrai, Duke of Grehk
to - all / some nobles of the Duchy of Grehk
to - all / some dukes of your realm

All Hail Overlord! In case you missed the memo :P


Quote from: Telrunya on April 23, 2012, 08:11:08 PM
All Hail Overlord! In case you missed the memo :P

Uh, how did that happen?


d'Arricarrère Family: Torpius (All around Dwilight), Felicie (Riombara), Frederic (Riombara) and Luc (Eponllyn).


Quote from: Tom on April 24, 2012, 12:04:38 AM
Uh, how did that happen?

We had this in Fheuv'n for... forever.

I'm assuming it has to do with takeovers. The new estates really don't update well at all the allegiance changes.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Oh yeah, that might be the case, as I still get to my message 'My Duke' even though I'm a Ruler and Grehk is currently blighted. I'll make a bug report out of it later (when I have time) if it isn't on there yet.


Yes, please. There is nothing special about these TOs, so any bug there would also affect other TOs between human realms.


Quote from: Tom on April 24, 2012, 08:07:50 AM
Yes, please. There is nothing special about these TOs, so any bug there would also affect other TOs between human realms.

I did.

And while the whole duchy creation and duke assigning was probably caused by the manual DB fix, the allegiance thingny wasn't, as Overlord was showing as my liege since the takeover of Iato.

Just as some of our knights were said to be knights of Melhed and such.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


In the new takeover system, each battle delays the enemy takeover?
The takeover of Ossmat was at like 88% during the first battle I saw. And now it droped to like 80%, despite the daimons wining every single battle.


Quote from: mikm on April 26, 2012, 06:49:59 PM
In the new takeover system, each battle delays the enemy takeover?

Not directly, but if it stops the enemy from continuing with their TO activities, then their progress will slowly go backwards. You can't just sit there, do nothing, and expect that the region will convert.

Tan dSerrai

Considering that my char on Beluaterra is riombaran consider this irony: Sassan /seriously/ rues the fact that IVF was dissolved...or, to be more precise, that its only duchy did switch to Enweil 2 days too early.

This allowed the daimons to take IVF's capital 3-4 halfdays faster than anticipated, preventing the (by then already marching) riombaran army to reinforce Enweilios in time. Thus the daimons did reach Enweilios this sunrise /right/ before Riombara....we could have had 20k CS in Enweilios a day later.

Dang, dang, dang, dang.


Human self-destruction through incompetence, lack of communication and old hatreds.


One thing is sure: If Aliens ever show up on Earth and begin attacking us, Humanity is screwed. Battlemaster taught me that much. :)

Tan dSerrai

Well, incompetence: Our old general fell sick (IC workload), I took over, calculated all traveltimes, backtracked possible movements, calculated our own traveltimes, built in a reserve of 1 day, organized the army (with aid from marshals and military council), communicated with Enweil (got contacts to general and marshals), including Enweils chancellor, all were willing to work together, the army was organized within one halfday (building upon an excellent structure left behind by the old general), information was flowing very well (except for  ONE halfday wre scoutings of the daimons /movements/ were missing), Riombara marched 22k mobile forces towards Enweil...

all to naught due to one duke of one different realm not being included in the information loop between two other realms and him thus not knowing about our timetable, switching realms (I assume without consulting his peers), not being aware that the resulting speed up of the TO of Feuvenehm would have such drastic results. One small detail.

Thus I beg to differ - its not incompetence, its more of a 'If we are to be able to successfully fight the daimons ALL of 7 different pieces need to work. Fail in one and the whole structure unravels'. Considering the number of people involved, infomation needing to be gathered early in one halfturn, passed on to the general, passed on to the other general, passed on to the army...all within one halfday /where critical/ (as in the situation where we needed to decide wether the daimons were marching against Enweilios or Rines and thus position our army accordingly)....information FLOW (even if all work diligently) is complex, especially considering that it needs to go both directions...then combine THAT with the need for near perfection....

I think the south did act quite well and thorough...for want of one detail it just was not enough.

Hell, well keep trying  :)


Geting one beating after another.  How can this be?  This is just one group of invaders not three like before and we are all allied.


At this point it just feels like we're getting command vehicle sniped.

We've won when we're fighting standing armies in the fields, but we got maneuvered to a point where we couldn't all protect our capital cities. So now each capital city is getting taken out. We were doing relatively fine until about the last week or so.

Feels more like gamey tactics than anything.