Author Topic: HALT! Who goes there?  (Read 30448 times)


  • Honourable King
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    • White Halmos
Re: HALT! Who goes there?
« Reply #15: March 11, 2011, 11:54:12 AM »
Don't know about 'like'.. problem solving is more of a compulsion for me though I find people far more compelling than math or computers.. which don't tend to punch you, fire you, invade your country, incarcerate you  or refuse you intimate access to their naughty bits if you provide the 'wrong' solution.

Very true... hehe, when given two problems, you *should* solve the human one first. ;)
Women are particularly intriguing because you can solve the problem and still be wrong because you solved the problem instead of sympathising with the fact there was a problem (I know there is a famous movie reference for that truism but it escapes me and my google-fu reveals nothing.. my wife thinks maybe 'White Men Can't Jump' but is not sure so I empathised with her frustration in not being able to remember just to be on the safe side.)

Haha, awesome.  Immediate application of said sympathy.  You are a good example for all... men. :)
I love Canada, got a lot of family out there, awesome place and very much  like a really big Scotland but without some of the historical baggage.

I sense an academic, or at least intellectual, bent in the respondants to this thread. A common trait of BM players, do you think? or just of those willing to expose themselves on this thread?
Hehe, we do have quite a few scottish people here too. ;)

I think it's a combination of both, BM is a game for those who are not engaged by the mindless drivel of the mainstream games.  Thus, likely more intellectual.  Those who post here are usually not afraid to expose themselves, thus usually resulting from a sense of accomplishment and fulfilled esteem, likely again to be at least somewhat intellectual. :D
My only experience with CS has been few programming courses. So I can't really say that I know enough about CS. I do enjoy math problem solving. I've taken a few higher level math courses that aren't necessary for my major.
Awesome!  I don't think higher level math courses are like any other courses, so they're a unique experience. ;)
The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.